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Characteristics of European adults who dropped out from the Food4Me Internet-based personalised nutrition intervention

Autores: Livingstone, K. M.; Celis-Morales, C.; Macready, A. L.; Fallaize, R.; Forster, H.; Woolhead, C.; O'Donovan, C. B.; Marsaux, C. F.; Navas Carretero, Santiago; San Cristóbal Blanco, Rodrigo; Kolossa, S.; Tsirigoti, L.; Lambrinou, C. P.; Moschonis, G.; Surwitto, A.; Drevon, C. A.; Manios, Y.; Traczyk, I.; Gibney, E. R.; Brennan, L.; Walsh, M. C.; Lovegrove, J. A.; Martínez Hernández, Alfredo; Saris, W. H.; Daniel, H.; Gibney, M.; Mathers, J. C.
Título de la revista: PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION
ISSN: 1368-9800
Volumen: 20
Número: 1
Páginas: 53 - 63
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Attrition did not differ between participants receiving generalised or PN advice but more frequent feedback was related to attrition for those randomised to PN interventions. Better strategies are required to minimise dropouts among younger and obese individuals participating in PN interventions and more frequent feedback may be an unnecessary burden.