Detalle Publicación


Investigating science-related online video

Libro: Communicating science and technology through online video. Researching a new media phenomenon
Autores: León Anguiano, Bienvenido; Michael Bourk
Editorial: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Books, Ltd 
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Página Inicial - Final: 1 - 14
ISBN: 9781138483491
Resumen: This introductory chapter presents and overview of the role of online video in science communication. The digital environment offers a new range of options for communicating science to the public, which acquire increasing relevance in the new paradigm of ¿science with society¿. In the early 21st century, online video has grown exponentially, to the point of accounting for over 70% of internet global traffic. Consequently it has become a tool of enormous potential capacity for communicating science. However, academic research in this area is still scarce. This chapter summarizes some of the main findings of the Videonline project, an international study conducted by 15 researchers from nine universities across five countries, which provides an updated analysis of the current panorama of online video as a tool to communicate science and technology.