Detalle Publicación


Guía clínica sobre implantes cocleares

Autores: Manrique Rodríguez, Manuel Jesús; Ramos, Á. (Autor de correspondencia); de Paula-Vernetta, C.; Gil-Carcedo, E.; Lassaleta, L.; Sánchez-Cuadrado, I.; Espinosa, J. M.; Batuecas, A.; Cenjor, A.; Lavilla, M. J.; Núñez, F.; Cavalle, L.; Huarte, A.
ISSN: 0001-6519
Volumen: 70
Número: 1
Páginas: 47 - 54
Fecha de publicación: 2019
In the last decade numerous hospitals have started to work with patients who are candidates for a cochlear implant (CI) and there have been numerous and relevant advances in the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss that extended the indications for cochlear implants. OBJECTIVES: To provide a guideline on cochlear implants to specialists in otorhinolaryngology, other medical specialities, health authorities and society in general. METHODS: The Scientific Committees of Otology, Otoneurology and Audiology from the Spanish Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (SEORL-CCC), in a coordinated and agreed way, performed a review of the current state of CI based on the existing regulations and in the scientific publications referenced in the bibliography of the document drafted. RESULTS: The clinical guideline on cochlear implants provides information on: a) Definition and description of Cochlear Implant; b) Indications for cochlear implants; c) Organizational requirements for a cochlear implant programme. CONCLUSIONS: A clinical guideline on cochlear implants has been developed by a Committee of Experts of the SEORL-CCC, to help and guide all the health professionals involved in this field of CI in decision-making to treathearing impairment.