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Studies of chain substitution caused sub-fibril level differences in stiffness and ultrastructure of wildtype and oim/oim collagen fibers using multifrequency-AFM and molecular modeling

Autores: Li, T.; Chang, S.-W.; Rodríguez Florez, Naiara; Buehler, M.J.; Shefelbine, S.J.; Dao, M.; Zeng, K.
Título de la revista: BIOMATERIALS
ISSN: 0142-9612
Volumen: 107
Páginas: 15 - 22
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Molecular alteration in type I collagen, i.e., substituting the ¿2 chain with ¿1 chain in tropocollagen molecule, can cause osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), a brittle bone disease, which can be represented by a mouse model (oim/oim). In this work, we use dual-frequency Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and incorporated with molecular modeling to quantify the ultrastructure and stiffness of the individual native collagen fibers from wildtype (+/+) and oim/oim diseased mice humeri. Our work presents direct experimental evidences that the +/+ fibers have highly organized and compact ultrastructure and corresponding ordered stiffness distribution. In contrast, oim/oim fibers have ordered but loosely packed ultrastructure with uncorrelated stiffness distribution, as well as local defects. The molecular model also demonstrates the structural and molecular packing differences between +/+ and oim/oim collagens. The molecular mutation significantly altered sub-fibril structure and mechanical property of collagen fibers. This study can give the new insight for the mechanisms and treatment of the brittle bone disease.