Detalle Publicación


Analysis of the peak-to-peak ratio of extracellular potentials in the proximity of excitable fibres

Autores: Rodríguez-Falces, J.; Malanda-Trigueros, A.; Gila-Useros, L.; Rodríguez Carreño, Ignacio; Navallas-Irujo, J. (Autor de correspondencia)
ISSN: 1050-6411
Volumen: 20
Número: 5
Páginas: 868 - 878
Fecha de publicación: 2010
In a previous work we studied the ratio between the amplitudes of the second and first phases (which we call PPR, after peak-to-peak ratio) of the single fibre action potential (SFAP) for a collection of fibrillation potentials (FPs) extracted from two pathological muscles. These FPs showed a wider PPR range than the Dimitrov¿Dimitrova (D¿D) convolutional model could provide. We proposed a modification of the D¿D intracellular action potential (IAP) in order to obtain a range of PPRs comparable to that observed in our FPs. This paper extends that study to a large number of SFAPs extracted from the tibialis anterior muscle of normal subjects. The estimation of the average PPR range of non-diseased muscles in non-fatigued conditions is important since it can be used as a reference to establish a comparison with PPR ranges from muscles suffering some disorder or from fibres that are fatigued. Other aspects of the PPR, as its sensitivity with volume conductor parameters or to what extent changes in the SFAP PPR reflects changes in IAP spatial profile are also examined. We found that the PPR of experimental SFAPs ranges from 0.3 to 2.5 in all subjects and that all PPR histograms contain a well-defined single peak around the PPR value 1.0.