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Time-varying relationship between conventional and unconventional monetary policies and risk aversion: international evidence from time- and frequency-domains

Autores: Hkiri, B.; Cuñado Eizaguirre, Juncal (Autor de correspondencia); Balcilar, M.; Gupta, R.
Título de la revista: EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS
ISSN: 0377-7332
Número: 61
Páginas: 2963 - 2983
Fecha de publicación: 2021
This paper analyzes the time-varying relationship between risk aversion and both conventional and unconventional monetary policy in an international context and at different frequencies using a wavelet coherency analysis. Our main results suggest the existence of a dynamic relationship between the two variables depending on timescales and on the periods. Thus, a short-run negative relationship leading from the risk aversion variable to the monetary policy measure is found for most of the period, suggesting that monetary policy reacts more aggressively in periods of high risk aversion. Furthermore, during the financial crisis, we find a long-run negative relationship leading from the monetary policy to the risk aversion index, suggesting that a lax monetary policy could lead to financial instability. US monetary policy has also significant effects on the risk aversion rates in the Euro Area, Japan and the UK.