Detalle Publicación


Strategies for climate change communication through social media: Objectives, approach, and interaction

Autores: León Anguiano, Bienvenido (Autor de correspondencia); Bourk, M.; Finkler, W.; Boykoff, M.; Davis, L. S.
ISSN: 1329-878X
Volumen: 188
Número: 1
Páginas: 112 - 127
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Social media are prominent channels to foster the social debate about climate change. This research explores the strategies that institutions supporting scientific consensus on climate change undertake in order to communicate through social media. We conducted 21 semi-structured interviews with community managers and communication directors of organizations of different characteristics in several countries. From the responses we have identified strategies that are based on communicators¿ perceptions and experience. We identified strategies that: (a) orientate the communication objectives, (b) help to approach citizens in an effective way, and (c) create interaction with the users. This provides a repertoire of well-grounded strategies that can work as a guide that may help organizations to design their actions to communicate climate change through social media. We conclude that including higher levels of interaction in social media strategies remains a challenge that could lead to a more effective social debate on climate change.