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Region-specific macro-indicators for palliative care development in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: a Delphi study

Autores: Sánchez Cárdenas, Miguel Antonio; Garralda Domezain, Eduardo (Autor de correspondencia); van Steijn, D.; Pourghazian, N.; Slama, S.; Bouesseau, M.C. ; Centeno Cortés, Carlos
ISSN: 1020-3397
Volumen: 28
Número: 8
Páginas: 560 - 568
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Background: The World Health Organization Office for the Eastern Mediterranean Region (WHO/EMRO), and the re-cently created palliative care experts network for the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR), decided to develop region -spe-cific indicators for monitoring national palliative care development in the Region. Aims: To identify relevant and feasible macro-indicators for palliative care development for the EMR. Methods: Palliative care experts from the EMR were nominated and invited to complete a 2-round Delphi study to rate macro-indicators from previous studies and propose new ones based on the EMR regional characteristics. All indicators were assessed according to regional relevance (R) and feasibility (F). A content validity index (CVI) was calculated. Indica-tors with CVI >= 0.7/1, and scoring >= 7/9 for the R and F averages were selected. Results: Twelve of the 22 countries in the Region were represented in the study. In the first round, 11 indicators were se-lected and 13 new ones proposed. In the second round, 15 indicators matched R, F and CVI criteria. Top-scored indicators were: existence of a current national palliative care strategy (R = 8, F = 8, CVI = 1); ratio of specialized services (for adults and children) in the country per population (R = 8, F = 7, CVI = 1); allocation of funds for palliative care in the national health budget by the Ministry of Health or equivalent government agency (R = 8, F = 6, CVI = 1); education for prequalifi-cation of doctors/nurses (R = 8, F = 8, CVI = 0.9); and availability of morphine and other strong opioids (R =8, F = 8, CVI= 0.9). Conclusion: A baseline set of 15 region-specific indicators for measuring the development of palliative care were validated by experts in the EMR.