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Corrigendum: Advances on self-regulation models: A new research agenda through the SR vs ER behavior theory in different psychology contexts (vol 13, 861493, 2022)

Autores: de la Fuente Arias, Jesús (Autor de correspondencia); Martínez-Vicente, J. M.; Santos, F. H.; Sander, P.; Fadda, S.; Karagiannopoulou, E.; Boruchovitch, E.; Kauffman, D. F.
Título de la revista: FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY
ISSN: 1664-1078
Volumen: 14
Páginas: 1166478
Fecha de publicación: 2023
In the published article, an author name was incorrectly written as ¿Angélica Karagiannopoulou.¿ The correct spelling is ¿Evangelia Karagiannopoulou.¿ All other relevant parts of the article have been updated to reflect this amendment. Additionally, in the published article, the reference for ¿de la Fuente et al., 2022¿ was incorrectly written as ¿de la Fuente, J., Martínez-Vicente, J. M., Santos, F. H., Sander, P., Fadda, S., Karagiannopoulou, A., Boruchovitch, E., and Kauffman, D. F. (2022) Advances on self-regulation models: A new research agenda through the SR vs ER behavior theory in different psychology contexts. Front. Psychol. 13:861493. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.861493.¿ It should be ¿de la Fuente, J., Martínez-Vicente, J. M., Santos, F. H., Sander, P., Fadda, S., Karagiannopoulou, E., Boruchovitch, E., and Kauffman, D. F. (2022) Advances on selfregulation models: A new research agenda through the SR vs ER behavior theory in different psychology contexts. Front. Psychol. 13:861493. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.861493.¿ The authors apologize for these errors and state that they do not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated. © 2023 de la Fuente, Martínez-Vicente, Santos, Sander, Fadda, Karagiannopoulou, Boruchovitch and Kauffman.