Detalle Publicación


Piedras que hablan: registro y análisis de los suelos musivos en el Valle de Roncal

Autores: Orduna Portus, P. M. (Autor de correspondencia); Ardanaz Iñarga, Naiara; Pérez Artuch, A. M.; Ekimena, B.; Baque Garjón, M.; Medina, A. L.; Carvajal Pérez, A.; Petrotx Urzainki, J.
Título de la revista: RES MOBILIS
ISSN: 2255-2057
Volumen: 12
Número: 15
Páginas: 1 - 32
Fecha de publicación: 2023
The paper analyzes the set of mosaic floors built in the traditional houses of the Roncal Valley using river pebbles. Fieldwork has been carried out structured in a methodology of survey and registration of both the pavements themselves and the traditional knowledge that supports their making process. The study of each piece involved taking images, measurements and obtaining data about materials and manufacture. For this purpose, initially, non-experimental research has been conducted consisting of a descriptive study through an analytical questionnaire focused on the type of the flooring, its arrangement model, and the ornamental and significant elements of its decoration. After the correlational analysis of the results, the technological component provided by the graphic discourse within the community and in the domestic nucleus that hosts it was evaluated.