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Association of monetary diet cost of foods and diet quality in Spanish older adults

Autores: Bouzas, C.; Pastor, R.; García, S.; Monserrat-Mesquida, M.; Martínez González, Miguel Ángel; Salas-Salvado, J.; Corella, D.; Schröder, H.; Martínez Hernández, Alfredo; Alonso-Gómez, Á. M.; Wärnberg, J.; Vioque, J.; Romaguera, D.; López-Miranda, J.; Estruch, R.; Tinahones, F. J.; Lapetra, J.; Serra-Majem, L.; Riquelme-Gallego, B.; Romero-Secín, A.; Pinto, X.; Gaforío, J. J.; Matía, P.; Vidal, J.; Zapatero, M.; Daimiel, L.; Ros, E.; García-Arellano, A.; Babio, N.; González-Monje, I.; Castañer, O.; Abete Goñi, Itziar; Tojal-Sierra, L.; Benavente-Marín, J. C.; Signes-Pastor, A.; Konieczna, J.; García-Ríos, A.; Castro-Barquero, S.; Fernández-García, J. C.; Santos-Lozano, J. M.; Bes Rastrollo, Maira; Mestres, C.; Guillem-Saiz, P.; Goday, A.; Goicolea-Güemez, L.; Puig-Aguiló, E.; Ruiz-Canela, Miguel; Palau-Galindo, A.; Fito, M.; Tur, J. A. (Autor de correspondencia)
Título de la revista: FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH
ISSN: 2296-2565
Volumen: 11
Páginas: 1166787
Fecha de publicación: 2023
Background: A major barrier to a healthy diet may be the higher price of healthy foods compared to low-quality foods.Objectives: This study aimed to assess the association between the monetary cost of food and diet quality in Spanish older adults at high risk of cardiovascular disease.Methods: Cross-sectional analysis was carried out in Spanish older adults (n = 6,838; 48.6% female). A validated food frequency questionnaire was used to assess dietary intake. Metabolic syndrome severity, adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet), adherence to a provegetarian dietary pattern, and dietary inflammatory index were assessed. The economic cost of the foods was obtained from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food database (2015-2017, the period of time when the participants were recruited). The total cost of diet adjusted per 1,000 kcal was computed.Results: The healthier dietary pattern was associated with a higher cost of the diet. Higher adherence to the MedDiet, anti-inflammatory diet, and the healthy version of the provegetarian dietary pattern were related to higher costs of the diet.Conclusion: Higher diet quality was associated with a higher dietary cost of the diet per 1,000 kcal/day. Food prices can be an important component of interventions and policies aimed at improving people's diets and preventing diet-related chronic diseases.