Detalle Publicación


Validación de un cuestionario de mejora de la satisfacción laboral (cMsl ) en profesionales de atención primaria

Autores: Perez-Ciordia, I.; Guillén Grima, Francisco (Autor de correspondencia); Brugos Larumbe, A.; Aguinaga Ontoso, I.; Fernandez-Martinez, C.
ISSN: 1137-6627
Volumen: 35
Número: 3
Páginas: 413 - 423
Fecha de publicación: 2012
Background. Job satisfaction of health professionals is considered to be a quality indicator, as it is related to the efficacy of the services. The aim of the study is to validate a questionnaire for evaluating job satisfaction improvement in a population of health professionals in primary care in Navarre. Methodology. Descriptive study with self-completed questionnaires; the target population was all health care professionals (family doctors, pediatricians and nurses) of primary health centers of Navarre. A Lickert scale was used for measuring the items. Other variables measured were: sex, years in the profession, job satisfaction, professional status, health center, and 47 items on improving job satisfaction. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to evaluate reliability, and to evaluate construct validity factor analysis with varimax rotation, grouping the items in 9 dimensions was used. Results. A total of 414 questionnaires were collected. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.933. Forty-one point two eight seven percent (41.287%) of total variance was explained by five dimensions. The dimension relations with patients presented the highest average (4.087) of improvement in job satisfaction, and the item If it were possible to eliminate unjustified demand showed an average 01 4.21. Conclusions. The questionnaire designed is a valid instrument for a comprehensive evaluation of the improvement in the job satisfaction of primary care professionals. The results obtained can indicate which areas of improvement should be implemented in order to improve the satisfaction of the professionals.