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Matrigel-embedded 3D culture of Huh-7 cells as a hepatocyte-like polarized system to study hepatitis C virus cycle

Autores: Molina-Jimenez, F; Benedicto, I; Dao Thi, VL; Gondar, V; Lavillette, D; Marín, JJ; Briz, O; Moreno-Otero, R; Aldabe Arregui, Rafael; Baumert, TF; Cosset, FL; López-Cabrera, M; Majano, PL
Título de la revista: VIROLOGY
ISSN: 0042-6822
Volumen: 1
Número: 425
Páginas: 31 - 39
Fecha de publicación: 2012
Hepatocytes are highly polarized cells where intercellular junctions, including tight junctions (TJs), determine the polarity. Recently, the TJ-associated proteins claudin-1 and occludin have been implicated in hepatitis C virus (HCV) entry and spread. Nevertheless, cell line-based experimental systems that exhibit hepatocyte-like polarity and permit robust infection and virion production are not currently available. Thus, we sought to determine whether cell line-based, Matrigel-embedded cultures could be used to study hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and virion production in a context of hepatocyte-like polarized cells. In contrast to standard bidimensional cultures, Matrigel-cultured Huh-7 cells adopted hepatocyte polarization features forming a continuous network of functional proto-bile canaliculi structures. These 3D cultures supported HCV infection by JFH-1 virus and produced infective viral particles which shifted towards lower densities with higher associated specific infectivity. In conclusion, our findings describe a novel use of Matrigel to study the entire HCV cycle in a more relevant context.