Detalle Publicación


Lymphaticovenular anastomoses for lymphedema treatment: 18 months postoperative outcomes.

Título de la revista: MICROSURGERY
ISSN: 0738-1085
Volumen: 32
Número: 4
Páginas: 261-268
Fecha de publicación: 2012
Abstract The purpose of this work was to report our initial experience with lymphaticovenular anastomoses (LVA), a controversial technique for lymphedema treatment. Although LVA technique was described many years ago, the procedure is not as widespread as it was supposed to be, taking into account the high impact that lymphedema has in the quality of life of patients. Thus, 12 patients, 5 with lower limb and 7 with upper limb lymphedema, underwent LVA surgery under local anesthesia. Two patients were excluded from the study due to the lack of follow-up. At 18 months, 8 out 10 patients showed a variable objective reduction of the perimeter of the limbs and 9 patients presented a subjective clinical improvement. These results joined to the outcomes of the most experienced surgeons in this field are encouraging, although there are still many issues that need to be addressed with research to optimize the efficacy of this technique.