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Reflections on how adult students improve their English pronunciation with technology

Libro: Teaching English reflectively with technology
Autores: Arrosagaray Auzqui, Marcelino; Breeze Davies, Ruth; Sobrino Morrás, Ángel
Lugar de Edición: Canterbury
Editorial: IATEFL
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Página Inicial - Final: 51 - 63
ISBN: 978-1-901095-86-9
Resumen: Despite the importance teachers and learners attach to having an acceptable pronunciation for successful communication, its teaching and learning may still present a complex challenge. In practice, this might result in its neglect by the teacher in the classroom. For the student, this means a missed opportunity and, perhaps, a sense of frustration. This article reflects on the possible contributions ICT (information and communication technologies) can make to improve pronunciation when students return to language learning as adults. The results of our research show that students improve their pronunciation and strengthen their own commitment to continue learning