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What is the Future of Academic Publishing?

Título de la revista: RA. REVISTA DE ARQUITECTURA
ISSN: 1138-5596
Número: 14
Páginas: 3 - 5
Fecha de publicación: 2012
The Chronicle of Higher Education is a weekly newspaper that gathers news and academic information throughout the United States, job opportunities for university majors, and a section devoted to art and ideas. It is published in Washington D.C. It has around 64,000 subscribers and over 315,000 readers. Its daily digital version adds to the paper issue, among other things, discussion forums and several tools directed to the academia. It has over 1,9 million monthly single visits. `What is the Future of Academic Publishing?¿ is the title of a recent article in its digital version, part of a series ¿Digital Challenges to Academic Publishing¿ with a total of four interviews (to date) to different editors from the editorial world. It collects an interesting conversation with the publishing director of the MIT Press regarding the question. The interviewer begins querying about the fact that some personalities throughout the U.S. encourage researchers to publish their academic works in on-line media ¿such as blogs¿ without the need for a later publication on traditional media such as a book or a printed magazine