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Libro: Student Learning: Improving Practice
Autores: de la Fuente Arias, Jesús; Cerdelle Elawar, María; Sander, Paul; Putwain, Dave
Lugar de Edición: NEW YORK
Fecha de publicación: 2013
Página Inicial - Final: 139-149
ISBN: 978-1-62618-887-7
Resumen: Introduction. The Action-Emotion Style (AES) is the combination of competitiveness and overwork characteristics, with emotions of impatience and hostility, based in the construct Type-A Behavior Pattern. Test Anxiety is an emotional reaction involved in adaptive or maladaptive processes when facing adverse or dangerous events. Resilience has been defined as a person or group¿s capacity to continue moving forward toward the future, despite destabilizing events, difficult life conditions and sometimes serious traumas. The objective of the present research is to establish the relationship between characteristics of action-emotion style with test anxiety and the resilience constructs. Method. The sample was composed of 121 students of the Psychology Degree Program at the University of Almería. The measures used were: (1) The Jenkins Activity Survey for students-Form H (JASE-H), Spanish version, designed to measure AES. (2) Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI-80), Spanish version. This questionnaire is a reduced, validated adaptation of the State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). (3) Resilience, the Connor-Davison Resilience Inventory, Spanish version was used. Pearson correlation analyses, ANOVAs and MANOVAs were used to analyse data. Results. Results showed: (1) Significant positive association between both competitive-hardworking and impatience-hostility, and test anxiety; (2) significant positive association between competitive-hardworking characteristics and resilience, and a negative association between impatience-hostility and resilience. The level of actionemotion style had a significant main effect. Conclusion. Evidence is offered to defend the value of the construct AES for detecting possible learning difficulties stemming from students¿ experience of Complimentary Contributor Copy 140 Jesús de la Fuente, María Cardelle-Elawar, Paul Sander et al. achievement motivation and of certain negative feelings while learning at university, especially in stressful situations.