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University teaching staff facing Service-Learning: explanatory variables

Autores: Moledo, M. D. L. (Autor de correspondencia); Otero, M. J. F. ; Perez, C. P. ; Naval Durán, Concepción
Título de la revista: REVISTA DE EDUCACION
ISSN: 0034-8082
Número: 386
Páginas: 37 - 60
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Introduction: The Service-Learning methodology is one of the most appropriate to adapt to changes, and new social and educational challenges in the Higher Education environment. This is an approach that promotes an experiential type of learning in which the teaching staff does not play a prominent role, but those who offer and receive the service. There are several reasons for proposing this methodology in the university classrooms, and they have to do with the improvement of the educational processes, students' ethical and civic education, as well as with the improvement of the existing linkages between university and society. Specifically, our objective in this paper is to analyze which are the variables explaining the introduction of the Service-Learning methodology by a university professor. Methodology: To this end, a study involving 1903 professors from 6 Spanish universities was carried out. They were administered the "Questionnaire on Teaching Practice and Attitude of University Professors towards Innovation" (CUPAIN). Results: With the data obtained, a logistic regression was performed in order to estimate the probability that a university teacher uses ServiceLearning according to sociodemographic variables (gender, age, type of subject, students enrolled, administrative situation, experience, cycle), teaching practice, engagement with the university's social commitment, and interest in innovative teaching practices; subsequently, a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) 5 X 2, and a Chi-square test were applied. Discussion and Conclusions: The data analysis allowed us to conclude that, of all the analyzed variables, the one that better predicts the use of SL by the teaching staff is their engagement with the university's social commitment, in such a way that the probability of using this methodology is 3.52 times higher than not doing it.