13 | 12 | 2018
Three scientists from the University of Navarra, among the most cited researchers in the world
TextoMiguel Ángel Echávarri
ImagenManuel Castells
15 | 06 | 2018
The University and Volkswagen Navarra will collaborate on five projects at research for the business
ImagenManuel Castells
08 | 06 | 2018
Three University-driven projects on nanocancer, biomimicry and gene drones, winners at the 1st SciencEkaitza Gala
TextoLaura Juampérez
01 | 06 | 2018
The University celebrates the investiture of 168 PhDs from 19 countries
ImagenManuel Castells
20 | 03 | 2018
Three universities share best practices on transferring knowledge to society
ImagenManuel Castells
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