Ruta de navegación

Áreas de Investigación tex1

Areas of Research

The expertise and research capabilities and development of the CBIO teams combine with each other to develop new solutions. These combinations are adapted to the challenges and needs in the field of human health. Some of the research lines are closely related to:

Aplicaciones anidadas

banner- Dispositivos biomédicos

Biomedical Devices

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banner-Ingeniería de tejidos

Tissue engineering

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banner_ Biomecánica: Biofluídica e Implantes médicos

Biomechanics: Biofluidics and Medical Implants

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banner- Biología computacional e IA

Computational Biology and AI

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Gustavo Pego

Campus University s/n

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00


These areas in turn are linked to the concepts of e-health, personalised medicine, PoC devices, precision medicine and advanced therapies.