

Hello to all of you! 

I introduce myself: I'm Carmen Garau, I'm from Palma and I've just finished sixth form. The truth is that, after so many years studying, you imagine a thousand times how it will be the day you finally graduate, your last class, your last exams in the classroom 4A02... Of course, you never expect something like this, and although it has been a different ending due to the incidence of the Coronavirus, it has also been very special.  

First of all, I would like to emphasise that we have not lost a single class, and I know that the School of Medicine and the University of Navarra as a whole have worked very hard to make this possible. Few students from other universities have been as lucky as us.

At the beginning of the confinement we were all hesitant, as few people knew about the platforms we used (such as Zoom, Panopto or Proctorio). In addition, exam time was approaching and we had to combine the more intensive study schedule with the classes. Many of us returned home and also had to integrate into family life again.

Initially, the classes were given live by Zoom: the teacher would send us the link to classroom by email a few minutes before and then class was given. issue I think that this form of teaching is very useful if there is a small number of students, as it allows you to have a direct contact with the teacher and you can ask questions during the class. There are about 190 of us in class and it was difficult for everyone to connect at the same time; in the end the classes became long and overlapped with the next one, as well as making it difficult to follow the slides.

As a result of this experience, within a few days most of the teachers switched to using Panopto or Power Point with audio and uploaded them to the ADI Virtualclassroom on the normal schedule of their class. I think this system is much more convenient for everyone: for the teachers it allows them to record the classes, adapt to the timetable, correct mistakes or avoid technical errors in the live broadcast; and for us it allowed us to organise our studies much better, change the speed of the classes, and be able to see the slides at the same time, among other things.

In addition, something that I have commented with my colleagues is that, as the classes were recorded, it was very easy to go back and watch any part of the class if you had any doubts during the study of topic. I would like to highlight the Oncology classes given by Dr. Leire Arbea, and the Paediatrics classes given by Dr. Rocío Sánchez Carpintero.

When classes finished, between the tough socio-sanitary situation caused by Covid-19 and the e-mails announcing that we would be left without the long-awaited end of the degree course (no pasaclases, no paellada, no graduation and no end-of-course trip Degree), it was time to start studying. I have to say that I personally have not experienced a complicated situation at home, as we have all been fine, but there have been colleagues who have lost loved ones without being able to say goodbye to them, or families with enormous economic difficulties. I can imagine how difficult it must have been for them to study and take their exams. For this reason, they sent us an email from the University of Navarra to find out about each personal situation and to make themselves available to us.

The exams were another of those unknowns, although after the initial scare we got used to the new online format with Proctorio. But it was not only the students who were affected, the teachers had to change the evaluation criteria, and many were in the hospital working and dealing with the consequences of this pandemic.

For all this I would like to thank again the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra and in particular the secretaries, who have been attentive during all the exams, and professors, now colleagues, who have made it possible for us to finish in the best possible way.

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