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Origen's Theological Anthropology

Libro: The Oxford Handbook of Origen
Autores: Alviar, José
Lugar de Edición: Oxford
Editorial: Oxford University Press
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Página Inicial - Final: 373 - 392
ISBN: 9780199684038
Resumen: The author of this chapter uses the category of narrative theology (protology to eschatology) to capture the sweep of Origen¿s theological vision and contrasts it with thematic treatments to which Origen returns again and again. In the body of works of Origen the themes of freedom and its meaning may be termed constant, underlying suppositions. Together with the idea of the human being as a creature made in God¿s image, they provide the grounds for Origen¿s dynamic anthropology. The divine image in earthly humans endows the individual with creativeness in its conduct, one not wholly unlike the divine creativity, the capacity that resides in the will, that allows one to choose between moral good and evil, and to intensify one's participation in Christ's epinoiai.