Detalle Publicación


Introduction to the Contemporary Digital Project: construction of the I-Villa Rotonda

ISSN: 1133-6137
Volumen: 28
Número: 47
Páginas: 198 - 213
Fecha de publicación: 2023
To design digitally today is to create a logical structure of data, algorithms and results. This article uses a classic villa by Andrea Palladio, where the mathematical rules are very clear, to exemplify the basic structure of the contemporary digital project; from the exposition of data to the generation of empty form. This requires an initial reflection on technical drawing / CAD / BIM and a description of the languages of the contemporary project. The data and algorithms necessary for the construction of the shape of the villa by means of the topological transformations of a cube are described. This is a contemporary way of understanding the generation of the empty form. A virgin, parametric and flexible format; prepared and structured for the subsequent acquisition of successive layers of project information, which would lead to the virtual twin of the building. Designing through topological transformations is a process already used by architects such as Peter Eisenman, Daniel Libeskind, and Zaha Hadid among others, but it has a theoretical potential that goes beyond these concrete examples or a certain type of architecture. The case of the Villa Rotonda is a good example for understanding the project process without giving as a result a closed and immutable object, but rather an open system that defines the formal identity of the project without conditioning its adaptation to changing requirements over time.