Aplicaciones anidadas




Corpus of apprentices and academic corpus in Spanish and French

February 3 and 4, 2025
New approaches to L2 and L1 study

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


In research based on learner corpora -or Learner Corpus Research (LCR)-, it is common to compare a corpus of texts in an L2 with another corpus of comparable texts produced by speakers for whom that language is their L1. However, the focus is rarely placed on the L1 corpus, which is primarily used as a corpus of reference letter.

With the consolidation of this study area , it sometimes seems that a barrier has emerged that has ended up separating it from other research that, in reality, is very similar, both in methodological aspects and in general objectives: the programs of study based on corpus of academic-scientific texts produced by those who have not yet mastered them in their L1. Further interaction between the results of these two areas would be mutually beneficial, even when the interest lies in a non-academic genre in L2.



Aplicaciones anidadas



Aplicaciones anidadas




Margarita Alonso-Ramos 
University of A Coruña

Freiderikos Valetopoulos
University of Poitiers


This congress aims precisely to offer a specific space for the dissemination of results from research based on both learner corpora (L2) and academic corpora (L1/L2) in two languages that, despite the significant advances they have experienced, do not usually receive the same attention as English: Spanish and French. Indeed, just over a decade ago, faced with a research based on learner corpora dominated by English, Lozano and Mendikoetxea (2013: 89) were already warning of the need for more corpora of other L2s.

Despite significant advances in recent years for languages such as Spanish (cf. Mendikoetxea 2013; Buyse and González Melón 2013; Lozano 2015; Parodi 2015; Alonso-Ramos 2016; Núñez Nogueroles 2019; Rojo et al. 2022; Lozano and Fernández-Mira 2022; Pastor Cesteros 2023) or French (cf. Granger 2007; Hancock and Sanell 2009; Bolly 2011; Welcomme 2011; Cavalla 2015; Valetopoulos and Lamprou 2017; Yan et al. 2018; Fuchs and Garnier 2021; Aleksandrova and Watorek 2023), among others, this statement has not lost validity, as this area is still governed by a priority interest in English as L2.

The same applies to research on the production of academic-scientific genres by novices in their L1, be it Spanish (Torner and Battaner 2005; Parodi 2009; García Negroni 2009; Errázuriz 2012; Villayandre Llamazares 2018; Fahler et al. 2019; Sologuren and Venegas 2022; López Ferrero 2023) or French (Boch and Grossmann 2002; Kara 2004; Rinck 2010; Scheepers 2014; Wolfarth et al. 2018; García Debanc et al. 2021; Jacques and Pallanti 2021; Jadoulle 2023; Surcouf 2024).

Aplicaciones anidadas




Papers should be based on corpora of academic-scientific texts produced by novices in their L1 and/or on corpora of L2 learners composed of texts of any genre, whether academic-scientific or not. The analyzed corpora must have at least one of the selected languages (Spanish, French) as L2 or L1, without any restriction regarding further comparisons with auxiliary corpora in other languages. Likewise, Spanish and French will be the official languages of congress and only in exceptional cases will papers submitted in English be accepted.

More specifically, papers are solicited that fall within the following lines (the list is not exhaustive):

Aplicaciones anidadas


Written or oral trainees

programs of study based on corpus of written or oral learners in Spanish or French L2.


Academic-scientific corpus

programs of study based on written and oral academic-scientific corpus in Spanish or French L1/L2 (L1 in the case of texts produced by non-expert authors).


Types of corpus

Comparative analyses of L2 learner corpora or L1/L2 academic-scientific texts in Spanish or French based on their contrast with different types of corpora.

Aplicaciones anidadas


Multidimensional comparisons

programs of study that propose multidimensional comparisons between these types of corpora.


Longitudinal corpus

programs of study based on longitudinal corpora of trainees or academic-scientific texts in Spanish or French.


New methods and approaches

programs of study to propose new methods and approaches for the analysis of corpus of learners or academic-scientific texts in Spanish or French.

Aplicaciones anidadas


Submission of proposals

Aplicaciones anidadas



Researchers interested in presenting a paper at the congress should send a summary in English or French of about 500 words (excluding bibliographical references) before December 5, 2024 to the following e-mail address: dizquierdo@unav.es



The registration and participation in the congress is free of charge. Those who wish to attend to congress only as listeners (without presenting a paper) should register by sending an e-mail to dizquierdo@unav.es containing the following data: name and surname(s), university and e-mail address.



Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


December 5, 2024

deadline for the submission of proposals.


December 15, 2024

Response from committee scientist.

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January 31, 2025

deadline for the registration as occasional student (no communication).


February 3-4, 2025

Celebration of congress.

Aplicaciones anidadas


Organising Committee

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Ruth Breeze 
Institute for Culture and Society
University of Navarra


Maria José Gallucci Natale 
Writing Centre
University of Navarra

Aplicaciones anidadas


Dámaso Izquierdo Alegría 
Institute for Culture and Society
University of Navarra


María Pilar Saiz Cerreda 
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Navarra



Aplicaciones anidadas


→ Aguinaga Echeverría, Silvia (University of Navarra, Spain)
→ Aldama, Arrate (University of the Basque Country)
→ Arévalo Benito, María José (University of the Basque Country)
→ Breeze, Ruth (University of Navarra)
→ Celayeta Gil, Nekane (UPNA and University of Navarra)
→ Da Cunha, Iria (UNED)
→ Gallucci Natale, María José (University of Navarra)
→ Llamas Saíz, Carmen (University of Navarra)


→ Izquierdo Alegría, Dámaso (University of Navarra, Spain)
→ Käsper, Marge (University of Tartu)
→ Kruse, Mari (University of Tartu)
→ Rapún Mombiela, Virginia (University of Tartu)
→ Saiz Cerreda, María Pilar (University of Navarra)
→ Sanz Villar, Zuriñe (University of the Basque Country)
→ Treikelder, Anu (University of Tartu)
→ Valetopoulos, Freiderikos (University of Poitiers)




Dámaso Izquierdo
Institute for Culture and Society