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grupo MENTOR (Methodologies in Education and New Technologies Orientation and Research)

Methodologies in Education and New Technologies Orientation and Research (MENTOR)

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The group MENTOR (Methodologies in Education and New Technologies Orientation and Research) focuses its research on the analysis, development and application of new technologies and methodologies for the improvement of the learning process.

It arose from Tecnun's interest in research into the teaching-Learning Process and the advantages that Technological Innovation can provide for this process. Its milestones include the development of computer tools to support the learning process and various funded projects for the development and application of tools and material for innovation in learning.

We are currently working on:

 development of material and methodologies for mastering learning in Mathematics

 development of material and methodologies for mastering learning in Computer Science

 Study of the application of Flipped Learning at Education higher education in engineering.

 Study of the assessmentcontinuum in STEM

We collaborate with teachers from all areas to improve learning, with other Departments from the University of Navarra and other universities.

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Miembros del grupo MENTOR

Members of the group

Visor de contenido web (Global)



Nicolás Serrano Bárcena

Associate Professor


+34 943 219877 Extension: 842487

View CV "View Nicolás Serrano Bárcena's CV".

Íñigo Gutiérrez García

Associate Professor


+34 943 219877 Extension: 842409

View CV "See Íñigo Gutiérrez García's CV".

Carmen Blanco del Prado

Professor Contratada Doctora


+34 943 219877 Extension: 842444

View CV "View Carmen Blanco del Prado's CV".

Enrique Reina Martín

Professor partner


+34 943 219877 Extension: 842550

View CV "View Enrique Reina Martín's CV".

Aplicaciones anidadas

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Publications Year 2018

► Lleo, A.; Agholor, D.; Serrano, N.; Prieto-Sandoval, V. A mentoring programme based on competency development at a Spanish university: an action research study. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION

Serrano, Nicolas; Blanco, Carmen; Carias, Francisco; Reina, Enrique. Information from Automated Evaluation in an Engineering School. 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION ADVANCES (HEAD'18).

Publications Year 2017

Cabrero, J.M.; Blanco, C.; Vargas, G. The three-point oblique bending method for determining in-plane shear properties in wood. COMPOSITE MATERIALS

Agholor, Darlington; Lleó de Nalda, Alvaro; Serrano, Nicolás. Mentoring future engineers in higher education: a descriptive study using a developed conceptual framework. PRODUCTION

Publications Year 2016

Flaquer, Juan; Gutierrez-Gutierrez, Araceli; Blanco, Carmen. The Matrix Calculator: an application for the most common numerical problems solving in Linear Algebra. report-RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING

Year 2020

degree scroll: Programazioa
researcher main: NICOLAS SERRANO
Start date: 01/01/2020
End date: 30/06/2020

degree scrollFuntzioak: limiteak, deribatue erabilerak eta irudikapena
researcher main: CARMEN BLANCO
Call for proposals: EIMA 2.0 GOBIERNO VASCO
Start date: 01/01/2020
End date: 30/06/2020

Year 2018

degree scrollDate: Integralak
researcher principal: NICOLÁS SERRANO
Call for proposals: EIMA 2.0 GOBIERNO VASCO
Start date: 01/12/2018
End date: 31/08/2019




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