Aplicaciones anidadas



Amavir is one of the leading companies in Spain in the care of elderly and dependent people. It was created in 2017 as a result of the union between Amma and Adavirtwo companies with more than 20 years of experience in the sector.

Present in 7 Autonomous Communities and with a staff of 4,500 professionals, it manages a total of 42 residences and some 8,000 places (residential and day centre).

We offer our users and their families care of the highest quality, based on comprehensive and personalised attention that covers all their needs, teams committed to the well-being of the elderly and warm and welcoming facilities, based on the model of cohabitation units, where they can feel at home. All with the goal aim of improving their quality of life.

We work for and with the elderly, a responsibility that we accept with a true vocation.

Amavir's team is made up of professionals from attention , focused on favouring the wellbeing of each Username, formed by multidisciplinary profiles (geroculturists, medical and nursing team, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, professionals from work social and psychology, etc.) and whose goal is to help and care for the elderly person in everything they need.