Aplicaciones anidadas


Global Working

At Global Working Philosophy has always predominated in which the different areas of the company strive to offer a quality serviceOur ISO 9001 certification attests to our nurses, our Health Service Agencies and Kommuner.

This quality Philosophy has made us a reference in the Norwegian health sector and has allowed us to develop the only network of Norwegian Public Health Agencies and Centres for Spanish nurses without previous experience in the Nordic country. This will allow you to work in day care centres, nursing homes, home care and hospitals.

This network has been set up after evaluating the conditions offered by the main agencies in the sector and working only with those that give us the confidence to allow our Global Workers to work there, by ensuring compliance with collective bargaining agreements, by having the acceptance of the Norwegian Nurses' Union and by offering a personalised attention to our nurses.

We are the only agency that offers our nurses the opportunity to work in the Norwegian Public Health Service, both through agencies and directly in kommuner, which would be the equivalent of being employed directly by a hospital or other public health institution in Spain.

Every year new agencies and kommuner apply to join the GWN, and joining them means more job opportunities for nurses throughout the Nordic country.