

presentation - doctorate in Natural and Applied Sciences

The Doctoral Degree in Applied Medical Research, whose development and organization are overseen by the School of Medicine, is framed within the University of Navarra Doctoral School, established under the provisions set out by RD 99/2011, which provides planning, coordination and monitoring of doctoral programs.

This program is adapted to the European Higher Education Area and meets the requirements indicated in Royal Decree 1393, dated October 29, 2007, which regulates official university education. It was evaluated by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation) and approved by the Council of Universities on June 10, 2009. This official degree program is registered in the Registry of Universities, Centers and Qualifications (BOE, Official State Bulletin, February 10, 2010).

It has been adapted to the verification procedures stipulated in RD 99, dated January 28, 2011, which regulates official doctoral education (BOE, Official State Bulletin, February 10, 2011); it has received a favorable report from National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation and a positive assessment from the Council of Universities.

This doctoral program has been awarded the Citation of Excellence (MEE 2011-0229) by the Ministry of Education for the 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 academic years, receiving an overall weighted score from National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation of 84 out of 100, according to the Secretary General of Universities resolution dated October 6, 2011 (BOE, Official State Bulletin, October 20, 2011).


The University of Navarra was founded in 1952 and two years later the study programs in Medicine were launched. Since its creation, the School of Medicine has been characterized by its special focus on research and training for researchers. Research took on a prominent role in the University's plans in the 1990s. It was then that the University of Navarra Research Plan was conceived in order to strengthen certain fields of research.

Its strategic plan defined five priority lines of research in the field of the health sciences: Gene therapy and hepatology; vascular sciences; oncology; obesity and nutrition; and neuroscience. The first four are fundamental to this graduate program.

The University has also developed the Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA), which has been operational since 2004 and houses the research laboratories that support, along with the School's departments and those of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, the projects carried out as part of this program.

The University of Navarra's Doctoral Degree in Applied Medical Research addresses clearly defined professional and academic needs that are constantly being expressed by professionals in the scientific world. The low level of involvement of medical doctors in the field of research is a worldwide problem. The heavy workload experienced by medical professionals is a key factor in their decision not to participate in research activities. It is difficult to translate basic research findings into clinical applications, and the design and approach frequently fall short of addressing clinical problems. One of the reasons contributing to this disengagement is the lack of basic-research training among medical and other health professionals. They do not recognize the language of a fast-moving scientific world, which makes it very difficult for them to use the interdisciplinary approach that is crucial to providing solutions to the complex problems that arise in the field of medicine.

The aim of this program is to provide well-rounded training in methodology and an understanding of the basic sciences, as applied to clinical problems addressed in an interdisciplinary field of clinical and core professionals. This will enable doctoral students to become professionals with a greater ability to combine clinical activity and research activity in hospitals. It will help translate significant scientific information to clinical application, and ultimately, strengthen the capacity to solve medical problems.



The departments of the School of Medicine / the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and the Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA ) are involved in the development of the Doctoral Degree in Applied Medical Research.

Depending on the doctoral thesis project, professors from other departments at the University of Navarra Schools of Nursing, Sciences and Pharmacy may participate in developing the Doctoral Degree in Applied Medical Research, primarily through the joint supervision of doctoral theses.

The program also enjoys the participation of professors and PhDs from other Spanish and foreign institutions, whether through the joint supervision of doctoral theses, leading seminars, mobility initiatives (for both PhD candidates and academic staff) or participation in thesis defense committees convened to award international/European doctoral degrees, etc.


contact general

C/ Irunlarrea, 1.
31008 Pamplona
+34 948 42 56 00



Doctoral School
Doctoral School
Find out about the doctoral degree programs at the University of Navarra
Doctoral School Doctoral School