
leyenda imagen portada

  Juan Valdés Leal, In ictu oculi, Oil on canvas, 1670-1672, Hospital de la Caridad de Sevilla.

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From October 30 to November 1, 2023, Puebla, Mexico will host the XXI International XXI International congress of the association International of Spanish and Novo-Hispanic Theater of the Golden Age (AITENSO)organized by the School of Humanities of the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, with the participation of group of research Siglo de Oro, of the University of Navarra.
The congress will be dedicated to our colleague and founder Ysla Campbelland also to the report of Aurelio Gonzalez,who was the second president of the association.

Ysla CampbellAurelio Gonzalez


Since the dates of the congress almost coincide with the feast of the dead, so important in Mexican culture, the Local Commission hopes that the theme can inspire a range of possibilities on this subject in the theater of the Golden Age. Any approach to topic will be welcome. Other approaches to the Golden Age theater will also be considered, as is common in the congresses of our association.


Anonymous, Polyptych of Death, Oil on canvas, 18th century, Museo Nacional del Virreinato (Mexico).

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Organizing institutions

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Aplicaciones anidadas

Asociación Internacional de Teatro Español y Novohispano de los Siglos de Oro (AITENSO)

association International Spanish and Novo-Hispanic Theater of the Golden Centuries (AITENSO)

Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla

School from Humanities, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla

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50 aniversario

50th anniversary of the Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla


group from research Siglo de Oro (GRISO), University of Navarra


In collaboration with


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Nuestro cartel

Our poster


Click to download the poster


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comite tt

Organising Committee

Comité organizador tit

Robin Ann Rice (Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla)

David Sánchez (Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla)

Noé Blancas (Popular Autonomous Autonomous University of the State of Puebla)

Lillian von der Walde (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa)

Dann Cazés (Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico)

Octavio Rivera (Universidad Veracruzana)

Citlalli Luna Quintana (high school de México)

Mariela Insúa (GRISO, University of Navarra)

Carlos Mata Induráin (GRISO, University of Navarra)

Claudia Cristel (Amparo Museum, Puebla)

Fabián Valdivia (high school Municipal of Art and Culture of Puebla)





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plenarias 2


The program of congress will include two plenary lectures. -opening and closing- to position of the professors:

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Dra. Lillian von der Walde Moheno (Universidad Autónoma de México-Iztapalapa)

Dr. Lillian von der Walde Moheno
Autonomous University of Mexico-Iztapalapa

Dr. Santiago Fernández Mosquera (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)

Dr. Santiago Fernández Mosquera
University of Santiago de Compostela

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The attendance as occasional student is free, if you want a certificate you will have to register in advance at congress by sending an email to the following address 


Anonymous, Sister Matiana Francisca de San José, Oil on canvas, 18th century, Museo Nacional del Virreinato (Mexico).
Anonymous, Sister Matiana Francisca de San José, Oil on canvas, 18th century, Museo Nacional del Virreinato (Mexico).

ponencias tex


For regular presentations, the duration will be 20 minutes. Those interested in participating can send their degree scroll -no need to have a summary*- before June 15, 2023 to the following address 


*Occasionally a 200-word summary may be requested from participants before confirming their participation.


>Incripción al congreso

Registration to the congress

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To be a member of AITENSO

To be a member
of the

participar cuota

To participate in the congress it is essential to be a member of the AITENSO (with the payment of the annual fee up to date). To become a member and pay the annual fee of the association follow the indications on the website of the association. 

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The fee for registration is $25.00 US. Please send email to Luzmila Camacho-Platero y Javier J. Gonzalez Martinezadministrative assistant and Treasurer of association respectively. The fee can be paid by bank transfer or by VISA, MASTERCARD or AMERICAN EXPRESS at the AITENSO website.

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Aplicaciones anidadas


To be a member of AITENSO


cuota inscripcion

The specific fee for this Puebla congress will be 90 euros or its equivalent in dollars or pesos. The method of payment will be indicated soon.

The local organization will have scholarships available at exemption , which will be informed in due time. We remind that AITENSO grants the Don W. Cruickshank Scholarships for doctoral students. The application of these scholarships will be made before June 30, 2023 through a mail to the CLO attaching a CV and a letter of reference signed by the person who directs his thesis .

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Circulars of the congress

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Alojamiento y actividades culturales

accommodation y Cultural Activities Office

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listado de hoteles

We provide a list of hotels with which UPAEP maintains agreement for its events. When making your reservations, please indicate that it corresponds to congress AITENSO 2023.

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se organizarán diversas actividades y recorridos culturales

Puebla de los Ángeles, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1987, is also known as the paradise of Talavera ceramics. It is a city of great historical and cultural importance. It has a mostly temperate climate and is flanked by two important volcanoes: Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl.

In the framework of congress various activities and cultural tours will be organized in Puebla de los Ángeles and its surroundings, which will be reported soon.

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