Carlos III University of Madrid
Complutense University of Madrid:
University of Navarra: Master's Degree in Managing People in Organisations
ESADE: Master in Marketing Management (Business School Ramón Llull University)
EADA: International Master in Marketing (Business School Barcelona)
ESIC: Master in Marketing and Human Resources (Business & Marketing School. Madrid)
ICADE: Master in Marketing (Universidad Pontificia de Comillas)
Post doc at Humanities at Yale University:
Applicants must have received the Ph.D or equivalent degree in a humanistic field of inquiry after September 2013 and before July 2016. Priority will be given to applications from individuals who have not held other postdoctoral fellowships.
Applicants must be qualified to teach in one of the three tracks: Literature, Philosophy, or Historical and Political Thought. Please consult the Directed Studies website for the syllabus and other information here and here.
Dr. Rafael Escobedo
Secretary of the committee de Dirección de Humanities
Main Library Building
University of Navarra
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 56 31