

presentation - doctorate in Natural and Applied Sciences

doctoral program distinguished with the accredited specialization of Excellence (MEE 2011-0038) by the Ministry of Education for the academic years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 (evaluation global weighted National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation: 94 out of 100) according to resolution of 6 October 2011, of the General Universities administrative office (BOE of 20 October 2011). (PROGRAMME IN EXTINCTION)

The study of complex systems is the multidisciplinary paradigm in 21st century science. A complex system is one in which not only is the whole more than the sum of its parts, but the whole is something qualitatively different from the sum of its parts.

The orientation of this doctoral program is global in the methodology used. In the contents, it focuses on certain complex systems, but using methods normally common to the rest, so that graduates have the ability to address more general problems. The doctoral program in Complex Systems is mainly addressed to physicists or mathematicians, being open to other graduates with excellent training , who will contribute in the more multidisciplinary aspects. The present program promotes the internationalization of the programs of study and the mobility students and faculty, through the implementation of the international doctorate contemplated in the RD99/2011.

The Official Programme of doctorate in Complex Systems is part of the School of doctorate that the University of Navarra has implemented, in the framework established by the RD 99/2011, as a planning, coordination and monitoring body of the doctorate programmes, and the manager of its development and organisation is the School of Sciences.

It is a programme adapted to the European Higher Education Area Education that meets the requirements set out in Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, which establishes the organisation of official university education. It was evaluated by the National Agency of Quality assessment (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation), verified by the committee of Universities (28 December 2012). It has official status and is registered at Registry of Universities Centers and Qualifications (BOE of 22 April 2013).

The programme has been adapted to the verification procedures foreseen by RD 99/2011, of 28 January, which regulates official doctoral studies (BOE of 10 February 2011), having obtained a favourable report favourable National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation and positively verified by the committee of Universities. 


The present doctoral program in Complex Systems comes from the Official Programme of doctorate with the same name (governed by RD 1393/2007 of 29 October) of the University of Navarra which, in turn, resulted from the extinct doctoral program of "Instabilities in Dissipative Systems'' (regulated by RD778/1998 of 30 April). 


In the development of this doctoral program participates the department of Physics and Applied Mathematics (department interfaculty attached to the School of Sciences). In this sense, the doctoral program is mainly made up of professors attached to the research teams based at department.

Likewise, professors and doctors from other national and foreign institutions can participate in the Programme, as they have been doing, either in the co-direction of thesis doctoral programmes, giving seminars, actions of mobility (both of doctoral students and of the professors themselves), participation in the thesis tribunals convened to obtain the accredited specialization International in the degree scroll doctorate, etc. 


contact general

C/ Irunlarrea, 1.
31008 Pamplona
+34 948 42 56 00 ext. 806500


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