300 hours. 12 ECTS credit
On-site format with work online
The degree scroll of Expert in Cutaneous Oncologic Surgery organized by the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra has as goal main objective to provide the professional specialist in Dermatology with an additional specific training in cutaneous cancer surgery, from an eminently internship approach. For this purpose, the clinical case methodology will be used, and part of the classes will be taught using a graphic tablet with a screen to make them more participatory.
The program is offered by Cantabria Labs partnership and takes place at Campus of the University of Navarra in Madrid and lasts 8 months. At the end of the program, student will provide an updated vision of cutaneous oncological surgery for the different types of cutaneous cancer (melanoma and non-melanoma), will have the criteria to decide the best surgical option for excision and reconstruction in the different anatomical units, and will perform the design of cutaneous flaps or grafts in order to obtain the best oncological, functional and aesthetic result .
training in cutaneous cancer surgery from an eminently practical approach. internship
Study program
The degree scroll of Expert in Dermatologic Surgery given by the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra in partnership with Cantabria Labs consists of 12 ECTS credit distributed between November 2024 and June 2025 and organized in 9 theoretical-practical modules and a work end of degree scroll. Each module consists of 1 ECTS credit, while the work end of degree scroll consists of 3 ECTS credit.
Professors: Dr. Pedro Redondo, Dr. Alejandra Tomás, Dr. Javier Vázquez and Dr. Guillermo Miguel Ruano.
Introduction and general principles.
Anesthesia. Drugs and techniques. Anesthetic and perioperative complications.
Facial anatomical units. Anatomy surgical.
Suture techniques.
Antibiotic prophylaxis
Dressings. Postoperative care.
Closure of defects I: Direct closure and Burow's triangles. Remove more for better fit.
Closure of defects II: Flaps (advancement, rotation, and transposition).
Closure of defects III: Grafts (laminar and total skin grafts).
Closure by secondary intention: the way to almost never make a mistake.
Professors: Dr. Javier García, Dr. Pedro Redondo, Dr. Gabriel Schlager and Dr. Alejandra Tomás.
Ultrasound in cutaneous oncologic surgery.
Surgery of subcutaneous tumors.
Chronic hydrosadenitis surgery.
Dermatoscopy at operating room. financial aid for border delineation.
How far can/should we go? Limit of surgery in cutaneous oncology: locally advanced skin cancer.
Conventional surgery of basal cell carcinoma. Guidelines.
Surgical approach to high-risk basal cell carcinoma in the nasal pyramid, periocular region and auricle.
Conventional surgery in squamous cell carcinoma. Guidelines.
Surgical approach to a high-risk squamous cell carcinoma in the temporal region, lower lip and pinna.
Surgery for dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans.
Surgery of lentigo maligna, acral lentiginous melanoma and extramammary Paget's disease.
Professors: Dr. David Moreno and Dr. Pedro Redondo
Melanoma surgery.
Scalp surgery.
Surgery of the sole of the foot.
Professors: Dr. Carlos Serra and Dr. Pedro Redondo
Mohs surgery.
Mohs surgery ex-vivo.
Mohs surgery in kerosene.
And if I don't have access to Mohs surgery: edge control, how to orient the piece?
Forehead and temple surgery.
Professors: Dr. Jorge Soto, Dr. Pedro Redondo and Dr. Javier Vázquez
Surgery of the trunk and extremities.
Nail surgery.
Oral mucosa surgery.
Genital region surgery.
Upper lip and apical triangle surgery.
Lower lip surgery.
Professors: Dr. Pedro Redondo, Dr. Juan Carlos López Gutiérrez, Dr. Gabriel Schlager and Dr. Jaime Company.
Cheek surgery.
Chin and neck surgery.
Dermal expanders and dermal matrices.
Hypertrophic and keloid scars: Prevention and treatment.
Chronic wound healing.
Nose surgery.
Professors: Dr. Pedro Redondo, Dr. Javier Antoñanzas and Dr. Javier Vázquez
Eyelid surgery.
Pinna surgery.
Surgical complications, how to prevent, recognize and treat them? Hematomas, seromas, infections and abscesses. Suture problems.
Professors: Dr. Pedro Redondo, Dr. Javier Vázquez and Dr. Gabriel Schlager
Professors: Dr. Pedro Redondo, Dr. Gabriel Schalager and Dr. Alejandra Tomás
Active individual participation in workshop weekly surgical department of Dermatology at the headquarters of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra in Madrid.
The director of the course will close with each student its attendance to the conference surgical within the academic calendar fixed.
November 29-30
January 24-25
May 23-24
Each module begins with an on-site weekend (Friday from 16:00 to 21:00 hours and Saturday from 9:00 to 14:00 hours) at the Alumni Building of the Campus of the University of Navarra in Madrid, which is intended for:
1 Theoretical sessions
2 Clinical cases
The attendance to 75% of the theoretical sessions is a prerequisite for obtaining the degree scroll.
The online work of each module will have a duration of 10 hours. The online contents of the theoretical modules are posted on the Virtual classroom accessible only to students at the beginning of each module. These contents consist of videos, slide presentations, clinical cases, articles and reviews. The goal of this online content is to complement and accompany the work staff of the student to integrate the teachings given in the face-to-face sessions.
degree scroll In June 2025, the end of year work (3 ECTS credit) will be defended, consisting of the oral presentation of a series of clinical cases intervened by the student, or their closest professional environment, in the last months, where the lines and points core topic of each of the approaches and reconstructions are highlighted. It is also possible to include previously intervened clinical cases in which another subject reconstruction was performed and, based on what was learned, the resolution would have been modified. This work of student will be guided by your tutor through distance tutorials.
Academic staff
Pedro Redondo
Dept. of Dermatology, Clínica Universidad de Navarra Madrid
Director of the program
Francisco Javier García
Dermatologist, International Dermatology Clinic
Alejandra Tomás
Dept. of Dermatology, Clínica Universidad de Navarra Madrid
Guillermo Miguel Ruano
Dept. of Anesthesia, Clínica Universidad de Navarra Madrid
Javier Vázquez-Doval
Dermatologist, DERMACLINIC, Logroño, Spain
David Moreno
Department of Dermatology, Hospital Virgen de Macarena, Seville, Spain.
Carlos Serra
Dermatology Service, high school Valenciano de Oncología, Valencia, Spain.
Jorge Soto de Delás
Dept. of Dermatology, Policlínica Guipúzcoa, University of the Basque Country
Juan Carlos López Gutiérrez
Pediatric Surgery Service. Hospital la Paz (Madrid) and Hospital Universitario Quirónsalud Madrid.
Gabriel Schlager
Dept. of Dermatology, Clínica Universidad de Navarra Madrid
Jaime Company
Dermatologist specializing in laser and dermatologic surgery. group Pedro Jaén
Javier Antoñanzas
Dept. of Dermatology. Clínica Universidad de Navarra Pamplona, Spain
profile of the graduate
goal The Expert in Cutaneous Oncologic Surgery program has as its main objective to provide the professional specialist in Dermatology with an additional specific training on the surgical treatment of cutaneous tumors, from the initial oncologic approach to the complete reconstruction of the defect resulting from the surgery.
After its completion, the competences acquired by the students will be:
- Ability or criteria to decide on the best surgical option for each skin tumor.
- knowledge of the best oncological, functional and esthetic result .
- knowledge of the concept of locally advanced skin cancer.
- Ability to design of skin flaps in different anatomical areas.
- Ability to perform skin flaps in different anatomical areas.
- Capacity for reconstruction with grafts.
- Ability to close large defects.