As the organization process is still in progress, the final issue of installation units is not yet known. At the moment there are about 700 tubes of plans, 483 standardized boxes and 10 photo albums. The issue of tubes and albums will increase as it is organized.
project architect
University professor
Architectural heritage
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Muñoz Fernández, F.J. (2016). Home delivery. English prefabricated housing in Bilbao in 1947. Third Annual Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge University.
Muñoz Fernández, F. J. (2016, May, 5-6). Eugenio de Aguinaga and the English patent for prefabricated housing Uni-Seco. A essay to address the lack of housing in Bilbao in the 1940s. Imported and exported architecture in Spain and Portugal (1925-1975). conference proceedings preliminaries. Pamplona, Spain
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Muñoz Fernández, F. J. (2011). Rationalist architecture in Bilbao (1927-1950). Tradition and modernity in the age of the machine [thesis doctoral unpublished]. University of the Basque Country.
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