


398 Boxes

Traditionalist Communion
Spanish Civil War
Tercios Requetés
- Urcelay Alonso, J. (2024). María Rosa Urraca Pastor. A woman against the Republic. SND Editors
- Agudín Menéndez, J. L. (2024). An Andalusian for a miracle. The construction of Manuel Fal Conde's leadership in the Carlist press during the Second Republic. Ayer. Contemporary History Magazine, 134(2), 195-218.
- González Orta, J.I. (2024). The Carlist Huelva. History of an incomplete counterrevolution (1931-1945). award Diego Díaz Hierro de research, Huelva City Council.
- Agudín Menéndez, J. L. (2023). In search of the lost newspaper: The (bi)weekly. The Spanish Crusader in the propagandistic and organizational reconstruction of Carlism (1929-1932). Contemporary History. 72, 431-462.
- Norling, E. (2023). Martyrs of the ideal. Right-wing youth mobilization in the face of the Second Spanish Republic. SND Editors
- Agudín Menéndez, J. L. (2023). El Siglo Futuro en la (re)construcción de la amalgama contrarrevolucionaria (1930- 1933): de órgano de la disidencia nocedalista a catalizador de la modernización defensiva carlista. Past and report. Journal of Contemporary History, 26, 124-137.
- Agudín Menéndez, J. L. (2023). El Siglo Futuro. A Carlist newspaper in Republican times (1931-1936). University Presses of Zaragoza.
- Agudín Menéndez, J. L. (2022). The Republic manufacturer of traditionalists: the creation of heroes and martyrs by the Carlist journalistic propaganda in the Second Republic. Space, Time and Form. Series V. Contemporary History, 34, 15 - 36.
- Alli Aranguren, J. C. (2021). Three Carlist priests from Navarre, spies for the Intelligence Service. Príncipe de Viana, 281, 999-1040.
- Agudín Menéndez, J. L. (2021). The propagandistic use of pilgrimages to sacred places in the case of Carlist political culture: the examples of the pilgrimages to Rome (1876 and 1933) and Lourdes (1913). Sémata: Ciencias Sociais e Humanities, 33, 92-115.
- Agudín Menéndez, J. L. (2020). A legitimate uprising? Instrumentalization of the Sanjurjada in the Carlist press. Ayer, Revista de Historia Contemporánea, Vol. 119, 3, .229-254.
- Agudín Menéndez, J. L. (2020). El Siglo Futuro (1914-1936): Órgano del Integrismo y de la Comunión Tradicionalista (thesis doctoral). University of Oviedo.
- Martorell Pérez, M. (2020). A July 18 against Franco. Diario de Navarra
- Martorell Pérez, M. (2020). The events of the place del Castillo. Challenge to Franco. La aventura de la Historia, 266, 20-26.
- García Marín, J. (2019, March, 10). Es Diari locates the diary that Fal Conde wrote in Ferreries. Es Diari
- Agudín Menéndez, J. L. (2019). An Old king for new times: the media construction of the pretender Alfonso Carlos I in the Carlist press during the II Republic. Pasado y report. Revista de Historia Contemporánea, 18, 135-163.
- Agudín Menéndez, J. L. (2019). Jaimist journalism in the twilight of the Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera: around the origins of the Jaimist weekly El Cruzado Español (July 1929-January 1930). In Castillo, S. and Uría, J. (coords.). Societies and cultures. Thirty years of the association of Social History. Communications presented at the IX congress of Social History. University of Oviedo -association of Social History, 91-113.
- Estrada Cerquera, C. (2019). Turning thirty in the thirties. Microhistory around a Sevillian antifascist. Aconcagua Books
- Píriz González, C. (2019). En campo enemigo: la Quinta Columna en la Guerra Civil española (c. 1936-1941) [thesis doctoral unpublished]. University of Salamanca.
- Muñoz Bolaños, R. (2018). La gran coalición contra el Frente Popular. La Historia, lost in translation? conference proceedings of the XIII congress of the association of Contemporary History.
- Sanz Hoya, J. (2018). El Nuevo Estado y el gobierno del territorio: Instituciones, management y cuadros políticos en las provincias. Ortiz Heras, M (coord.), ¿Qué sabemos del franquismo? programs of study para comprender la dictadura de Franco, Comares.
- Ugarte Tellería, J. (2018). Fal Conde: Carlism and modernism. Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar, Vol. 7,1.
- García Marín, J. (2018, February, 8). Fal Conde, Carlist chief confined in Ferreries. Es Diari
- Álvarez Gómez, J. (2017). Pedrera in the 20th century (the reign of Alfonso XIII, the Second Republic, the Civil War and Franco's repression). Círculo Rojo
- Recio Cuesta, J. P. (2016). The Cuesta family: A military saga in the First Carlist War (1833-1840). Coloquios Históricos de Extremadura, XLV edition.
- Mikelarena Peña, F. (2016). Structure, chain of command and executors of the red beret repression in Navarre in 1936. Historia Contemporánea, 53
- Vázquez de Prada, M. (2016). The end of an illusion. Rise and decline of Carlist traditionalism (1957-67). Schedas
- Peñalba Sotorrío, M. (2015). La administrative office General del Movimiento. Construction, coordination and stabilization of the Franco regime. Centro de programs of study Politicos y Constitucionales.
- Ruiz Llano, G. (2015). El volunteer activities alavés durante la Guerra Civil [thesis doctoral unpublished]. Complutense University of Madrid.
- Recio Cuesta, J. P. (2015). Between anecdote and oblivion. The First Carlist War in Extremadura (1833-1840). publishing house conference proceedings
- Somé Laserna, C. (2014). Carlist Seville in 1833-1840. Uprising and repression. publishing house conference proceedings
- Peñalba Sotorrío, M. (2013). La administrative office General del Movimiento como pilar estructural del primer franquismo, 1937-1945. In Ruiz Carnicer, M A (coord.), Falange, las culturas políticas del fascismo en la España de Franco (1936-1975), Instituto Fernando El Católico.
- Peñalba Sotorrío, M. (2013). Fascistization and defascistization policies in the administrative office General of the Movement (1937-1945). In colloquium Identidades Fascistas. Fascistization and defascistization in Spain.
- Moral Roncal, A. M. (2012). Fal Conde and Andalusian Carlism. In Ruiz Sánchez, J L (coord.), La confrontación católico-laicista en Andalucía durante la crisis de entreguerras, Universidad de Sevilla.
- González Orta, J. A. (2012). The Falange and its men in the province of Huelva. Valverde del Camino (1936-1946) [thesis doctoral unpublished]. University of Huelva.
- Peñalba Sotorrío, M. (2012). Creating Falangists: the Command Schools of the Franco regime (1937-1945). XI congress of the association of Contemporary History, University of Granada.
- Moral Roncal, A. M. (2011). María Rosa Urraca Pastor: from militancy in Catholic Action to the Carlist political arena (1900-1936). Historia y Política, 26, 199-226.
- Caspistegui Gorasurreta, F. J. (2010). A history to be discovered: materials for the study of Carlism. Museo del Carlismo, Estella, Institución Príncipe de Viana.
- Moral Roncal, A. M. (2009). The religious question in the Second Spanish Republic. Church and Carlism. publishing house Library Services New
- Moral Roncal, A. M. (2009). The other Catholic parties: traditionalists versus possibilists. In Montero, F and de la Cueva, J (eds.), Laicismo y catolicismo. The political-religious conflict in the Second Republic. Alcalá, Universidad de Alcalá, 223-253.
- Moral Roncal, A. M. (2009). Devotions for times of swords: the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Christ the King as political categories of the Carlist movement (1931-1936). Historia y Política, 21, 219-24
- Vázquez de Prada, M. (2009). El nuevo rumbo del carlismo hacia la partnership con el régimen (1955-56). Hispania, 2009-4, vol. 69 (231), 179-209.