

612 Boxes

University Professor
Minister Commissioner of the development Plan
development plans
Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Rivero Pérez, M. (2024). Eugenio Montes or silenced intellectual. Provincial Council of Orense
- Hofmann , A. C. (2023). An authoritarian modernity. Developmentalism in Franco's Spain (1956-1973). [thesis doctoral unpublished]. University of Valencia.
- Kressel , D. G. (2019). Getting off the Tiger: The Spanish Transitional Modeland its influence on the Democratic Transitions in Argentina and Chile, 1977-1990. Global Society
- Kressel , D. G. (2019). Technicians of the Spirit: Post-Fascist Technocratic Authoritarianism in Spain, Argentina, and Chile, 1945-1988. Columbia University.
- Hofmann , A. C. (2018). Demokratie praktizieren in einer Diktatur? Politische Partizipation und ihre Grenzen im späten Franco-Regime (1966-1973). Archiv für Sozialgeschichte
- Hofmann , A. C. (2018). 1959: The Stabilization Plan. In Núñez Seixas, X (ed.), World History of Spain, pp 830-836.
- Sanz Hoya, J. (2018). El Nuevo Estado y el gobierno del territorio: Instituciones, management y cuadros políticos en las provincias. In Ortiz Heras, M. (coord.), ¿Qué sabemos del franquismo? programs of study para comprender la dictadura de Franco, Ed. Comares, pp. 95-120.
- Hernández-Sampelayo, M,¡. (2017, February, 24). Mujeres en la universidad. Some pioneers during Franco's regime. congress The hidden genius: for the visibility of the female contribution yesterday and today. Eunsa
- Zaratiegui Labiano, J. M. (2017, February, 24). El desenganche de los falangistas liberales Laín, Tovar y Ruiz-Giménez a partir de 1956. XIII congress of the association de Historia Contemporánea: La Historia, Lost in translation?
- Delgado Gómez-Escalonilla, L. (2015). Modernizers and technocrats. The United States vis-à-vis educational and scientific policy in Spain in the development. Historia y Política, 34, 113-146.
- García Crespo, G. (2015). Los empresarios y Europa. Employers' organizations in the face of Spain's accession to the EEC (1962-1986). [thesis doctoral unpublished]. Autonomous University of Barcelona.
- Pardo Sanz, R. M. (2015). Las dictaduras ibéricas y el aliado americano en core topic de modernización, 1945-1975. Historia y política, 34, UNED.
- García Crespo, G. (2015). Yes, if we set the price. Spanish businessmen and the intregration in Europe (1976-1986). XII congress of the association of Contemporary History: Thinking with History from the XXI century.
- Encabo Valenciano, M. P. (2015). Territorial limits and territories without limits: history and current affairs of the Navarrese faceros bordering Álava. [thesis doctoral unpublished]. University of Navarra.
- Martins, P. M. (2014). Cartas entre Marcello Caetano e Laureano López Rodó. Uma amizade com história. Aletheia
- Pardo Sanz, R. (2013). Cold friendship: Spanish foreign policy towards Italy (1957-1975). Historia del Presente. 21, pp.63-80
- Pardo Sanz, R. (2013). José María Doussinague: a Director General of Foreign Policy for hard times. In Moreno Cantano, A. Franco's crusaders. Propaganda and diplomacy in times of war (1936-1945). Trea, pp. 144-195
- Ferrary, A., Cañellas, A. (2012). The Franco regime. Unas perspectivas de análisis. Eunsa
- Sabater Navarro, G. (2012). Transitions to democracy in Portugal and Spain: conflicting views. [thesis doctoral unpublished]. Autonomous University of Madrid.
-Cañellas, A. (2011). The political activity of the Spanish embassy in Italy, 1962-1968. Nuova Rivista Storica, 2.
-Cañellas, A. (2011). Laureano López Rodó. Political biography of a minister of Franco, 1920-2000. Library Services New
-Cañellas, A. (coord.) (2011). América y la Hispanidad. Historia de un fenómeno cultural. Eunsa
-Cañellas, A. (2011). The political activity of the Spanish embassy in Italy, 1962-1968. Nuova Rivista Storica, 2.
-Cañellas, A. (2011). Laureano López Rodó. Political biography of a minister of Franco, 1920-2000. Library Services New
-Cañellas, A. (coord.) (2011). América y la Hispanidad. Historia de un fenómeno cultural. Eunsa
-Cañellas, A. (2011). The political activity of the Spanish embassy in Italy, 1962-1968. Nuova Rivista Storica, 2.
-Cañellas, A. (2011). Laureano López Rodó. Political biography of a minister of Franco, 1920-2000. Library Services New
-Cañellas, A. (coord.) (2011). América y la Hispanidad. Historia de un fenómeno cultural. Eunsa
- Cañellas, A. (2010). La reforma management assistant en España, 1956-1958. Revista de programs of study Políticos, 148
- Cañellas, A. (2010). Sobre el contraste de pareceres: la tecnocracia franquista ante las nuevas fórmulas de representación política. report y Civilización, 13.
- Zaratiegui Labiano, J. M. (2010). A Europe for two Spains. EUNSA
- Cañellas, A. (2009). Los caminos de la apertura política, 1962-1969. report y Civilización, 12.
- Cañellas, A. (2008). Ley Orgánica del Estado: origen y development constitucional. Aportes. Revista de Historia Contemporánea, 64
- Cañellas, A. (2006). Franco's technocracy: the ideological meaning of the economic development . Studia Histórica Contemporánea, 24