Aplicaciones anidadas



group from research - School de Enfermería



Innovation for the promotion of family and community health.





Aplicaciones anidadas


Our group of research is led by nurses from the academic and healthcare field with a common purpose , to positively impact the health of the individual, family and community, enabling them to lead and make the best decisions for their physical, psychological, social and spiritual well-being.

We conceive human health as a dynamic process experienced by people in constant interaction with biopsychosocial and contextual phenomena; considering that every human being has competencies, capabilities, strengths and resources to transform his or her health and quality of life.

We base nursing care, and our interventions, on the basis of a relationship of mutual respect and trust between the nursing professional and the cared-for person whose experience is recognized and whose active participation is encouraged.

We ensure that the different care approaches we use, to promote and innovate in health, are comprehensive and place the person at the center, contributing to their human development through their empowerment; this factor being core topic for the sustainability of nursing interventions and the health system. 



Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Christmas Canga Armayor
Group Leader


Nuria Esandi Larramendi
Senior Resesarcher


María Pueyo Garrigues
Post-Doctoral Resesarcher

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Cristina Alfaro Díaz
Post-Doctoral Resesarcher


Mónica Arias Colinas
Post-Doctoral Researcher


María Lavilla Gracia
Post-Doctoral Researcher

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Bilan Benbelkheir
Pre-Doctoral Researcher


Nerea Azcárate Cenoz
Pre-Doctoral Researcher


Marta Domingo
Post-Doctoral Researcher

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Elena Beortegui
Collaborating Researchers


María Carrión
Collaborating Researchers


Rosana Goñi
Collaborating Researchers

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Aplicaciones anidadas


Marian Soteras
Collaborating Researchers


Patricia Beorlegui
Collaborating Researchers


Usua Montes
Collaborating Researchers



Aplicaciones anidadas


This area focuses on health promotion in all stages of people's lives. On the one hand, it focuses research on health promotion in childhood and youth, where most habits and lifestyles are consolidated. On the other hand, research seeks to promote family health in the face of foreseeable and unexpected life circumstances, such as illness or the care of a family member.

From a salutogenic model , health and wellness promotion interventions are designed, implemented and evaluated, both in healthy and vulnerable populations, led by nursing professionals, or through the optimization of health assets, such as peers or equals. Specifically, the impact of implementing health promotion interventions in different lifestyles (nutrition, alcohol, tobacco, other drugs) has been evaluated; as well as new models of health care and their impact on the health status of the individual, satisfaction with health services and the motivation of professionals. 

This area of research is aligned with the UN's goal of development Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), "Health". Specifically with goal 3, "Health and Wellness". Access to health and well-being is a human right, and this is why diary for Sustainable development offers a new opportunity to ensure that all people can access the highest standards of health and attendance health.

This area addresses essential aspects of healthcare, such as the quality and sustainability of the healthcare system and the role of nursing professionals in guaranteeing and contributing to its achievement.

Quality in nursing refers to the delivery of effective, safe, evidence-based, person-, family- and community-centered care, which involves involving people in decision-making about their health, ensuring that their needs and preferences are taken into account.

Sustainability in the healthcare system is fundamentally focused on promote sustainable practices in the health care of individuals and families, which can be sustained over time. Likewise, an adequate management of resources (economic, human and material) should be carried out, promoting a culture of innovation and continuous improvement in nursing services.

To this end, a core aspect is to ensure the correct training and training of nursing professionals and other health agents, so that they can adapt to the constant changes in the health system and the health needs of the population.

This area aims to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals of development . Specifically, to goal 3: Health and Well-being "Ensuring healthy lives and promote well-being at all ages is essential for sustainable development ". Specifically, within the goals of this goal they point out the need to improve recruitment, development, training and retention of staff healthcare in countries in development and achieve universal health coverage with quality health services.

i. training of professionals
This line focuses on the training and training of nursing professionals to favor the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes that promote a internship based on scientific evidence, in order to provide quality care and ensure the future sustainability of the National Health System. 

Projects carried out within this line:

- training of nurses to carry out Family-Centered Care at internship clinic
- training of professionals to implement smoking cessation programs
- training of health science students in tobacco cessation interventions

ii. training of peers
This line focuses on the training and training of peers for the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes on health promotion and Education , which has a positive impact on the peers who receive their interventions. In order to promote health, nursing professionals need to work with the model of health assets in the different contexts where they work work.

We are currently working on the training of university students so that they acquire the knowledge and the necessary skills to be health activists with their peers. Specifically, university students are being trained in motivational interviewing to address alcohol consumption in young people; and to prevent poly-consumption (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis).

Projects carried out within this line:

- training of university students in motivational interviewing to prevent alcohol consumption.
- training of university students in strategies to prevent substance use (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis).


iii. Implementation and translation of the knowledge
Implementation and translation refers to the process of transferring and applying the knowledge and the research on the clinical internship in nursing in a functional and effective manner. This includes identifying gaps in current care and developing interventions to address them, detecting and mitigating barriers to the use of an evidence-based internship , and evaluating the outcomes of the interventions. The current focus is on studying translational strategies from knowledge to promote the implementation of interventions in a systematized, evidence-based manner of:
1) family-oriented nursing care in different contexts;
2) health promotion interventions; and
3) training programs for professionals and students to carry out educational and health promotion interventions. Therefore, the research developed in this line is at the intersection of: i) nursing science (Nursing Science) and implementation science (Implementation Science).

Projects carried out within this line:

- Implementation of Family Centered Care at internship clinical in nursing.
- design, implementation and assessment of interventions aimed at implementing Family-Centered Care.
- model from internship Professional: Roles of internship Advanced Roles in Nursing.
- Implementation of complex interventions aimed at behavioral changes (tobacco, alcohol).
- Implementation of health promotion and Education training programs for nursing students.

This area focuses on obtaining measurement instruments with guarantees of psychometric quality, validity and reliability. Part of our research is oriented to design, adaptation and validation of questionnaires that allow the evaluation, in our context, of care processes, health outcomes and nursing competencies, to be used both in the clinical internship and in research. Also, tools that measure professional competencies and contextual factors that facilitate a diagnosis of the training needs of nurses and, at the same time, the design and assessment of training programs.

Measuring tools:

1) Spanish version of the Iceland Family Perceived Support Questionnaire for families and nursing professionals (In progress). This instrument measures the family's perception of the care provided by the professionals.

2) Spanish and English version of the Knowledge, Attitudes, Behaviors, and Organization Students questionnaire (KABO_S). This instrument measures the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and skills as well as organizational elements related to the performance of skill of smoking cessation by students of health professions.

3) Spanish version of the Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire (DCSQ). This instrument assesses psychosocial stress in the workplace through the following dimensions: psychological demands at work, control over work and perceived social support at work.

4) Spanish version of the Iceland Health Care Practitioner Illness Belief Questionnaire (ICE-HCP-IBQ). This instrument measures nurses' beliefs about their understanding of the meaning that illness has for the family.

5) Spanish version of the Families' Importance in Nursing Care-Nurses' Attitudes (FINC-NA). This instrument measures nurses' attitudes towards the importance of including the family in the clinical internship .

6) Spanish version of the Instrument skill of Education for the Health of the Nursing Professional (I-CEpSE). This multidimensional tool measures each of the three domains of the skill of Education for the health of nurses: cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective and attitudinal (personal attributes and attitudes).



Aplicaciones anidadas


- degree scroll del project: Innovative e-learning educational resource to improve Smoking Cessation knowledge and skills among Healthcare degrees in Higher Education
Funding Entity: EUROPEAN COMMISSION Erasmus+
Duration: 01/09/2019 - 31/08/2022 (36 months)
researcher Principal Researcher: Cristina Martínez Martínez
researcher manager from the UNAV: Miren Idoia Pardavila-Belio
Researchers: Navidad Canga Armayor, Maria Pueyo Garrigues, Hildegart Gonzalez, Maria Duaso, Sandra Tricas-Sauras, Ariadna Feliu, Mercè Margalef, framework Cornejo Ovalle, Laura Anton, Montserrat Puig-Llobet, Maria Teresa Lluch-Canut, Carmen Moreno-Arroyo , Zaida Agüera, Raül Sancho, Olga Romero, Montse Ballbè, Esteve Fernández, Jordi Vilaplana, Tereza Barroso, Maria Isabel Dias Marques, Judith Roca, Assumpta Company, Francesc Solsona, Jordi Mateo, Josep Rius.

- degree scroll: design and assessment of a training intervention program aimed at train nursing professionals to work with families in the phenomenon of dependency.
Funding Entity: Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness
Duration: From 01/02/2013 to 31/01/2016 (36 months)
researcher Principal: Cristina G. Vivar
Researchers: Navidad Canga Armayor, Ana Canga Armayor

- degree scroll del project: project SINERGIA: Elaboration of an instrument for the evaluation of the health needs of the child population.
Funding entity: Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias. high school de Salud Carlos III
Duration: 1/10/2009 - 1/10/2012 (36 months)
researcher Principal Investigator: Olga López de Dicastillo
Researchers: Navidad Canga Armayor, Sandra Tricas Sauras, Cristina G. Vivar, Maria Jesus Pumar Mendez, Inmaculada Serrano Monzó

- degree scroll del project: Ley de Dependencia: experiences of the family and the dependent elderly in the transition to dependency.
Funding Entity: University of Navarra, Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness (Government of Spain), high school de Salud Carlos III
Duration: 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2011 (24 months)
researcher Principal Investigator: Critina G. Vivar
Researchers: Ana Canga Armayor, Concepción Naval

- degree scroll del project: assessment of an intervention for smoking cessation in nurses from a gender perspective.
Funding Entity: department de Salud. Government of Navarra
Period of validity: 1/12/2009 - 1/12/ 2011 (24 months)
researcher Principal Researcher: Navidad Canga Armayor
Researchers: Agurtzane Mujika, Olga Lopez de Dicastillo, Inmaculada Serrano

- degree scroll del project: Exploration of smoking habits in nurses: their consumption, their reasons for smoking and elements that would help them to quit smoking.
Funding entity: department de Salud. Government of Navarra
Duration: 1/12/2007 - 1/12/2008 (12 months)
researcher Principal Researcher: Navidad Canga Armayor
Researchers: Agurzane Mujika Zabaleta

- degree scroll del project: Experiences of patients, relatives and nurses on cancer recurrence.
Funding entity: department de Salud. Government of Navarra
Period of validity: 1/05/2005 - 1/05/2006 (12 months)
researcher Principal Investigator: Navidad Canga Armayor
Researchers: Cristina G. Vivar

- degree scroll of project: training of trainers: Agents of health and tobacco habit
Funding Entity: department of Education. Government of Navarra
Duration: 1/01/2002 - 31/12/2003 (24 months)
researcher Principal Researcher: Navidad Canga Armayor
Researchers: Angel Sobrino Morras, Maria José Duaso Anso, Inmaculada Serrano Monzo

- degree scroll from project: Implementation and assessment of a non-smoking policy in the university environment. project Healthy University (II)
Funding Entity: department de Salud. Government of Navarra.
Period: 1/01/2002 - 31/12/2003 (24 months).
researcher Principal Researcher: Jokin De Irala Estévez.
Researchers: Navidad Canga Armayor, Maria José Duaso Anso

- degree scroll of the project: project Healthy University
Funding Entity: department de Salud. Government of Navarra
Duration: 1/04/2001 - 1/04/2002 (12 months)
researcher Principal Researcher: Navidad Canga Armayor
Researchers: Maria José Duaso Anso, Inmaculada Serrano Monzó, Jokin de Irala Esteve.

- degree scroll del project: BOSQUE SALUD: project pilot of forest baths as a promotion of health, human welfare and complementary activity to the sustainable management of our forests/landscapes.
Funding entity: Fundación Caja Navarra
Duration: 30/04/2020 - 31/07/2022 (24 months)
researcher Principal Researcher: Ana Villaroya
Researchers: Maria Pueyo Garrigues, Elena Bermejo Martins

- degree scroll del project: Barriers and facilitators for the inclusion of the family in nursing care, at area oncology.
Funding entity: Chair María Egea. School of Nursing, University of Navarra.
Duration: 01/05/2020 - 01/05/2022 (24 months).
researcher Principal Investigator: Nuria Esandi.
Researchers: Ana Canga Armayor, Cristina Alfaro.

- degree scroll of project: design and implementation of a peer-led alcohol prevention intervention for college students. An exploratory essay .
Other funding entity: Chair María Egea
Period of validity: 07/05/2019 - 31/08/2020
researcher managerResearcher: Navidad Canga Armayor
Researchers: Sara Pueyo Garrigues, Idoia Pardavila Belio, Hildegart González

- degree scroll del project: Excellence in Nursing. project de Traslación del knowledge de la Enfermería de Familia, en la internship clínica, en oncología.
Funding entity: University of Navarra. Program of research University of Navarra (PIUNA).
Period of validity: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2021 (36 months).
Principal Investigators: Ana Canga Armayor, Nuria Esandi Larramendi.
Researchers: Cristina Alfaro Díaz

- degree scroll del project: Translation and Validation of the instruments Familie's importance in nursing care-nursing attitudes (FINC-NA) and Iceland health care practitioner illness belief questionaire (IHCP-IBQ), Demand-control-support questionaire (DCSQ) to the Spanish context.
Funding entity: Chair María Egea. School of Nursing, University of Navarra.
Duration: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2020 (24 months)
researcher Principal Investigator: Ana Canga Armayor.
Researchers: Nuria Esandi, Cristina Alfaro, Erla Kolbrun.

- degree scroll del project: design and validation of the scale skill of Education for the health of the hospital nurse.
Funding Entity: Chair María Egea. School of Nursing, University of Navarra.
Duration: 17/05/2018 - 16/05/2019 (12 months)
researcher Principal Researcher: Miren Idoia Pardavila-Belio
Researchers: Maria Pueyo Garrigues, Navidad Canga Armayor.

- degree scroll del project: Healthy University III: design and implementation of a smoking cessation program for university students at the University of Navarra.
Funding entity: University of Navarra
Other funding program: Chair María Egea
Duration: 01/09/2013 - 31/08/2014
researcher Principal Investigator: Navidad Canga Armayor
Researchers: Idoia Pardavila Belio, Cristina Garcia Vivar, Virginia la Rosa

- degree scroll of the project: project Healthy University
Funding Entity: Projects of research University of Navarra (PIUNA)
Duration: 1/04/2001 - 1/04/2002 (12 months)
researcher Principal Researcher: Navidad Canga Armayor
Researchers: Maria Jose Duado Anso, Jokin de Irala Esteve, Jesus Santamaria Ullecia



Aplicaciones anidadas


- Pueyo-Garrigues, S., Pardavila-Belio, MI., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Canga-Armayor, N. (2023). Peer-led alcohol intervention for college students: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Nursing and Health Sciences. https://doi: 10.1111/nhs.13023.  

- Lavilla-Gracia, M., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Fotopoulou, M., Canga-Armayor, A., Esandi, N., Alfaro-Díaz, C., & Canga-Armayor, N. (2023). Training nursing students in motivational interviewing for alcohol misuse: A mixed method study. Nurse education today, 125, 105775. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2023.105775

- Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Agüera, Z., Andrés, A., Lluch-Canut, M. T., Tricas-Sauras, S., Duaso, M. J., Feliu, A., Pardavila-Belio, M. I., Antón, L., Cornejo-Ovalle, M., Puig-Llobet, M., Moreno-Arroyo, C., Barroso, T., Roca, J., INSTrUCT research group, & Martínez, C. (2023). Knowledge, attitudes, behavioral and organizational factors of health professions students for a competent smoking cessation practice: An instrument adaptation and psychometric validation study in Spanish and English samples. Nurse education in practice, 70, 2023;70:103647. https://doi:10.1016/j.nepr.2023.103647

- Choperena, A., Olza, I., Pardavila-Belio, M. I., La Rosa-Salas, V., & Vázquez-Calatayud, M. (2023). The relationship competencies guiding tool: A development, content validation and implementation study. Nurse education in practice, 67, 103562. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.nepr.2023.103562

- Alfaro-Díaz, C., Esandi, N., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Canga-Armayor, N., Forjaz, M. J., Rodriguez-Blazquez, C., & Canga-Armayor, A. (2023). Psychometric Evaluation of the Spanish Families Importance in Nursing Care: Nurses' Attitudes Scale Through Classical Test Theory and Rasch Analysis. Journal of family nursing, 10748407221148083. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/10748407221148083

- Vázquez-Calatayud, M., Oroviogoicoechea, C., Rumeu-Casares, C., & Goñi-Viguria, R. (2022). Nurses' Perceptions of the Clinical Nurse Specialist Role Implemented in a Highly Specialized University Hospital in Spain: A Qualitative Study. Clinical nurse specialist CNS, 36(6), 317-326. https://doi.org/10.1097/NUR.0000000000000703

- Pardavila-Belio, M. I., de la O, V., Hershey, M. S., Barbería-Latasa, M., Toledo, E., Martin-Moreno, J. M., Martínez-González, M. Á., & Ruiz-Canela, M. (2022). Joint association of the Mediterranean diet and smoking with all-cause mortality in the Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) cohort. Nutrition, 103-104, 111761. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nut.2022.111761

- Goñi, L., Gil, M., de la O, V., Martínez-González, M. Á., Eisenberg, D. M., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Vasilj, M., Gayoso, L., Etxeberria, U., & Ruiz-Canela, M. (2022). Development and Validation of a New Home Cooking Frequency Questionnaire: A Pilot Study. Nutrients, 14(6), 1136. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14061136. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14061136

- Bermejo-Martins, E., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Casas, M., Bermejo-Orduna, R., & Villarroya, A. (2022). A Forest Bathing Intervention in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Feasibility Study Protocol. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(20), 13589. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192013589. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192013589

- Lavilla-Gracia, M., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Pueyo-Garrigues, S., Pardavila-Belio, M. I., Canga-Armayor, A., Esandi, N., Alfaro-Díaz, C., & Canga-Armayor, N. (2022). Peer-led interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in college students: A scoping review. Health & social care in the community, 30(6), e3562-e3578. https://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.13990

- Alfaro-Díaz, C., Svavarsdottir, E. K., Esandi, N., Klinke, M. E., & Canga-Armayor, A. (2022). Effectiveness of Nursing Interventions for Patients With Cancer and their Family Members: A Systematic Review. Journal of family nursing, 28(2), 95-114. https://doi. org/10.1177/10748407211068816

- Alfaro-Díaz, C., Esandi, N., Canga-Armayor, N., Idoia Pardavila-Belio, M., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., & Canga-Armayor, A. (2022). staff and Contextual Factors to the Successful Implementation of a Family Nursing Approach in Oncology Care. Journal of family nursing, 28(3), 277-291. https://doi.org/10.1177/10748407221083071

- Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Pardavila-Belio, M. I., Canga-Armayor, A., Esandi, N., Alfaro-Díaz, C., & Canga-Armayor, N. (2022). Nurses'' knowledge, skills and staff attributes for providing competent health education practice, and its influencing factors: A cross-sectional study. Nurse education in practice, 58, 103277. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2021.103277

- Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Pardavila-Belio, M. I., Whitehead, D., Esandi, N., Canga-Armayor, A., Elosua, P., & Canga-Armayor, N. (2021). Nurses' knowledge, skills and staff attributes for competent health education practice: An instrument development and psychometric validation study. Journal of advanced nursing, 77(2), 715-728. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14632

- Martínez, C; Pardavila, Idoia; Tricas-Sauras, Sandra; Moreno, Carmen; Duaso, María; Vilaplana, Jordi; Barroso, Teresa (2021). Smoking cessation education: a traditionally forgotten subject in nursing curricula. REFERENTIA. V- 6, pp. e21ED6

- Gutiérrez-Alemán, T., Esandi, N., Pardavila-Belio, M. I., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Canga-Armayor, N., Alfaro-Díaz, C., & Canga-Armayor, A. (2021). Effectiveness of Educational Programs for Clinical Competence in Family Nursing: A Systematic Review. Journal of family nursing, 27(4), 255-274. https://doi.org/10.1177/10748407211038683

- Alfaro-Díaz, C., Esandi, N., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Pardavila-Belio, M. I., Canga-Armayor, N., & Canga-Armayor, A. (2021). Translation and psychometric validation of the Spanish version of the Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire (DCSQ) for nursing professionals. Journal of nursing management, 29(5), 1130-1140. https://doi.org/10.1111/jonm.13251

- Esandi, N., Nolan, M., Canga-Armayor, N., Pardavila-Belio, M. I., & Canga-Armayor, A. (2021). Family Dynamics and the Alzheimer's Disease Experience. Journal of family nursing, 27(2), 124-135. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840720986611

- Choperena, A., Pardavila-Belio, M. I., Errasti-Ibarrondo, B., Oroviogoicoechea, C., Zaragoza-Salcedo, A., Goñi-Viguria, R., Martín-Pérez, S., Llàcer, T., & La Rosa-Salas, V. (2020). Implementation and evaluation of a training programme to promote the development of professional competences in nursing: A pilot study. Nurse education today, 87, 104360. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2020.104360

- Alfaro-Díaz, C., Esandi, N., Canga-Armayor, N., Pardavila-Belio, M. I., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Gutiérrez-Alemán, T., & Canga-Armayor, A. (2020). Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Testing of the Spanish Version of Iceland Health Care Practitioner Illness Beliefs Questionnaire. Journal of family nursing, 26(3), 240-253. https://doi.org/10.1177/1074840720933919.

- Alfaro Díaz, C., Esandi Larramendi, N., Gutiérrez-Alemán, T., & Canga-Armayor, A. (2019). Systematic review of measurement properties of instruments assessing nurses' attitudes towards the importance of involving families in their clinical practice. Journal of advanced nursing, 75(11), 2299-2312. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14049

- Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Whitehead, D., Pardavila-Belio, M. I., Canga-Armayor, A., Pueyo-Garrigues, S., & Canga-Armayor, N. (2019). Health education: A Rogerian concept analysis. International journal of nursing studies, 94, 131-138. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2019.03.005.

- Pardavila-Belio, M. I., Canga-Armayor, A., Duaso, M. J., Pueyo-Garrigues, S., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., & Canga-Armayor, N. (2019). Understanding how a smoking cessation intervention changes beliefs, self-efficacy, and intention to quit: a secondary analysis of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Translational behavioral medicine, 9(1), 58-66. https://doi. org/10.1093/tbm/ibx070

- Pardavila-Belio, M. I., Lizarbe-Chocarro, M., & Canga-Armayor, N. (2019). Attitudes, self-efficacy and intention towards tobacco cessation in Spanish college students [Attitudes, self-efficacy and intention towards tobacco cessation in Spanish college students]. Anales del sistema sanitario de Navarra, 42(1), 41-47. https://doi.org/10.23938/ASSN.0588.

- Pardavila-Belio, M. I., Ruiz-Canela, M., & Canga-Armayor, N. (2019). Predictors of Smoking Cessation Among College Students in a Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial. Prevention science : the official journal of the Society for Prevention Research, 20(5), 765-775. https://doi. org/10.1007/s11121-019-01004-6

- López-Dicastillo, O., Canga-Armayor, N., Mujika, A., Pardavila-Belio, M. I., Belintxon, M., Serrano-Monzó, I., & Pumar-Méndez, M. J. (2017). Five paradoxes in health promotion [Cinco paradoxes de la promoción de la salud [Five paradoxes in health promotion]. Gaceta sanitaria, 31(3), 269-272 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaceta.2016.10.011.

- Bajo Buenestado, A., & Pueyo-Garrigues, M. (2016). Organizational internal barriers in the implementation of the figure of the advanced internship nurse. Rol de Enfermería, 39(3), 24-28.

- Pueyo-Garrigues, M., San Martín Loyola, Á., Caparrós Leal, M. C., & Jiménez Muñoz, C. (2016). Education para la salud en el paciente trasplantado y su familia en una unidad de cuidados intensivos [Health education in transplant patients and their families in an intensive care unit]. Enfermería intensiva, 27(1), 31-39. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enfi.2015.11.002.

- Lizarbe-Chocarro, M., Guillén-Grima, F., Aguinaga-Ontoso, I., & Canga Armayor, N. (2016). Validación del questionnaire de Orientación a la Vida (OLQ-13) de Antonovsky en una sample de estudiantes universitarios en Navarra [Validation of Antonovsky Orientation to Life Questionnaire (OLQ-13) in a sample of university students in Navarre]. Anales del sistema sanitario de Navarra, 39(2), 237-248. https://doi. org/10.23938/ASSN.0270

- Pueyo Garrigues, Sara, Pueyo Garrigues, María, Pardavila Belio, Miren Idoia (2015). Needs of family members of a terminally ill patient institutionalized in a geriatric center: clinical case. Gerokomos, 26(3), 94-96. https://dx.doi.org/10.4321/S1134-928X2015000300005.

- Soto Ruiz, M. N., Aguinaga Ontonso, I., Canga Armayor, N., Guillén-Grima, F., Hermoso de Mendoza, J., Serrano Monzo, I., Marín Fernández, B. (2015). Modificación del peso corporal de los estudiantes universitarios en Navarra durante los tres primeros años de universidad [Changes in body weight of the university students at university]. Nutricion hospitalaria, 31(6), 2400-2406. https://doi.org/10.3305/nh.2015.31.6.8686

- Soto Ruiz, M. N., Marin Fernández, B., Aguinaga Ontoso, I., Guillén-Grima, F., Serrano Mozó, I., Canga Armayor, N., Hermoso de Mendoza Cantón, J., Stock, C., Kraemer, A., & Annan, J. (2015). Análisis de la percepción de la imagen corporal que tienen los estudiantes universitarios de Navarra [Analysis of body image perception of university students in navarra]. Nutricion hospitalaria, 31(5), 2269-2275 . https://doi.org/10.3305/nh.2015.31.5.7418.

- Villanueva Lumbreras, A., García-Vivar, C., Canga Armayor, N., & Canga Armayor, A. (2015). Effectiveness of family interventions in geriatric centers. Una revisión sistemática [Effectiveness of family interventions in nursing homes. A systematic review]. Anales del sistema sanitario de Navarra, 38(1), 93-104 . https://doi.org/10.23938/ASSN.0057.

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