Ruta de navegación


School of Medicine

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas

Visor de contenido web (Global)

Visor de contenido web (Global)



Aplicaciones anidadas


What do you want to study? Learn about our academic programs

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Do you want to study with us?

cost and scholarship calculator

At the University of Navarra we place each student at the epicenter of our activity, whether academic, social or cultural. A way of being that directly affects the way we work. For this reason, the price of each enrollment may vary according to the profile and the particular status of each student.

To find out, we make available to students the cost and scholarship calculator. In addition, the Calculator will inform you of the scholarship applications for which you are eligible based on your personal circumstances.


Aplicaciones anidadas


Dates of interest

Find out about our deadlines at Admissions Office and when you can take the entrance exams.



11 March

grade average: Equal or higher than 7
test admission: March 16


International students who apply for admission to School of Medicine in the March deadline will be able to take the exam on March 16 by taking the admission exam online or in person at the University of Navarra.