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IMG_Proyectos_Yago Vaillo

Yago Vaillo


Yago Vaillo

Meeting space Alcalá-Arturo Soria Street


project End of Degree Master's Degree in Architecture

University of Navarra

TutorLuis Tena

TXT_Proyectos_Yago Vaillo

projectYago Vaillo

This projectis the result of a preliminary study and analysis of the site. The Metro stations that follow the route of Calle de Alcalá are the landmarks of all the different and successive public spaces. In the area we are interested in, the districts of La Concepción, Quintana, Salvador and Simancas, the station is core topicto focus urban activity. These are sociologically very interesting neighbourhoods, as they are inhabited by a population of diverse origins, ages and economic circumstances. This diversity is the basis for enriching urban life through encounters. On the other hand, the neighbourhood of La Concepción is the point of meetingwith the Calle de Alcalá of one of the most progressive urban planning proposals in history, the Ciudad Lineal of Arturo Soria y Mata, whose presence remains present in the urban fabric. The point of connection is the resulting site as the location of the proposal. At present it is a void, occupied by a multiple bus stop and a poorly paved area in the vicinity of the Parroquia de la Concepción, with a fenced children's playground, several alcoves and the Metro Ciudad Lineal exits that are not very noticeable. Its potential for improvement is evident and for this reason we have chosen it as the location for a space for meetings of citizens of different origins, ages and activities. 

projectYago Vaillo

From the point of view of the intersection generated in both streets, the aim is to create two landmarks in one and the other, by means of towers and overhangs that are intended to have a visual meaning, on the one hand, in calle Alcalá with a volume that overlooks and marks the end of the street and on the other in calle Arturo Soria that marks the end of the plot with a tower competing with the shopping centre in Alcalá norte. It is also intended to generate a placethat is born from the building itself, that is, a volume that makes and configures the place, in such a way that it is permeable from Arturo Soria, more closed towards Alcalá, where the overhangs generate a covered public space for various urban uses.


projectYago Vaillo


projectYago Vaillo

projectYago Vaillo

projectYago Vaillo

The configuration of the form is carried out through a "tube" with the same section throughout the whole, we are interested in the concept that a single section resolves the entire proposed volume. Structurally, therefore, it is apparently a large tube that twists and turns to resolve the different themes. Thus allowing, by means of a single compositional gesture, to resolve the programme. The proposed programme is functional and flexible, and the building can be used for many purposes under the same form. From the urban point of view, it is a volume that shelters, where it allows projections both above and below, a building-stage, a structure that can be inhabited in any way you want, so it becomes timeless, since it is a building that is finished by the Usernamewith the use that it brings, in this case we have chosen an exhibition space, dedicated to art. But it will also be used for other purposes, such as holding shows or fairs inside. On the other hand, the tower designed for homeless people, will allow in the future to house the homeless or even artists for short or long stays.

projectYago Vaillo


projectYago Vaillo

On the other hand, from an infrastructural point of view, the building intends to resolve the public uses, as well as the access to the metro and the topicof public transport such as buses. This is carried out, on the one hand, by respecting the layout of the Calle de los Misterios and, on the other hand, with a hidden part, which contains the access to the metro and a small tribute to Professor Joaquín Lorda, where there is also space for classrooms, workshops and archives at training.

projectYago Vaillo

It should be noted that the building is a metamorphosis, so it is not presented as a completely finished project, but frozen at a moment in its life. With regard to its construction and structure, the aim is to give the image of an unfinished building, where the structure plays a fundamental role as a crane or electric tower that allows the construction to be wrapped, covered, closed or used in any way the Usernamewishes. In other words, a changing infrastructure. Even having in its interior some bridge cranes, where it can be "self-built" inside and outside.

projectYago Vaillo

projectYago Vaillo

projectYago Vaillo

The structure seen is a subjectof lightened latticework, where the edge-to-flight ratio is 2-1, having a lot of edge and not weighing a large amount. The entire structure is counterweighted and balanced at different points by the overhangs and the tower. 

The construction of the building is carried out with the minimum to make the space habitable, with a very limited palette of materials and to be able to be carried out with very few tools and the minimum possible details. In this way, the aim is for the building to be unique on design. Aiming to have a homogeneous image both inside and out.


projectYago Vaillo

projectYago Vaillo

The space is conceived as a narrative project, closer to the cinematographic disciplinethan to the conventional schemes of meeting centres, culture and hostels, WIP Madrid is not a Building, it is a reflection on the urban environment that surrounds it. The HUB-WIP Madrid + fileJoaquín Lorda, is not a construction, it is a mental territory of researchand a metamorphosis, which is why it is not presented as a totally finished project, but frozen in a moment of its life. With a palpable, triple, poetic relationship between; urban fabric, Usernameand Building.

projectYago Vaillo

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