
"It's not about commanding, it's about inspiring: the challenges of change".

On May 19, Roberto Cabezas director of Career Services of the University of Navarra, spoke with Daniel Servitje, President and Director General of group Bimbo, and Franz Heukamp, Director General of IESE Business School, about the current importance of implementing in organizations a model of close leadership and service.


The pandemic has provoked a systemic change in the ways of work in the companies, and for this reason they have had to assume a series of challenges to face it. Some of the most obvious have to do with leadership. It has become more necessary to have leaders with the capacity to take on the current challenges, to be a permanent support for their collaborators, and to create strategies that allow them to maintain the connection of the teams even in virtual environments.

That is why the virtual dialogue that connected two important current leaders was pertinent: one was Franz Heukamp, Director General of IESE Business School 16 years ago, and one of the authors of the book "The Future of Management in an AI World"; and Daniel Servitje, President and Director General of group Bimbo more than 20 years ago, and considered one of the most influential leaders in Latin America.

subject of current leader

Having remote teams requires special characteristics from the leader. In this sense, the two speakers agreed that the core topic to define today's leadership is: the need for proximity. "The pandemic has meant a before and after in companies, and hybrid activity is now a reality. But, that cannot mean a loss of contact. We need leaders close to employees and in front of their needs," said Servitje. To which Heukamp added, "the pandemic has shown us that we are vulnerable and we need proximity and contact".

Closeness is necessary not only because it is the representation of the business for employees at a distance, but also because: "The business will be what its people are, and its people will be what its leaders are," Servitje described. Therefore, "it is important that there is congruence between what leaders promote and what they do, and they must transmit the organization's values in their relationship with their collaborators," he added. In other words, leaders translate the organization's culture.

According to the speakers, another important element that leaders must have is their skill to put egos aside through service. "Service that is accompanied by the skills and knowledge to manage the work is fundamental," said IESE's director . In addition, Servitje stressed that, "as leaders, we must avoid distancing ourselves from realities and losing ground. Instead, we must seek to connect with what is happening on the ground and remember the responsibility to serve.

Leaders with strategic vision

 Bimbo is a multinational with a track record of more than 75 years, and its president attributes its success to the strategic vision that characterizes them: "One of the reasons why we have succeeded is because of our long-term vision deadline, which is embodied in the decisions made by committee and which support the board of directors. One thing that sets us apart from other companies in the industry is that we are more resilient to bad decisions, and we end up doing very good business over the long term deadline".

The IESE executive added to topic that "one of the challenges facing senior executives is to combine long-term vision deadline with short-term actions deadline. The concern for the long term deadline must be translated by leaders into concrete day-to-day actions, and today it is essential that the strategic vision also involves anticipating changes".

Questions from the audience

Daniel Servitje, how much do economic results affect engagement?

People's commitment is essential for business to reach the level it expects. At Bimbo, we consider it fundamental to maintain an optimal work environment and commitment, and this has been reflected in the internal and external evaluations we carry out on our employees. One of the ways we have found to achieve this is to ensure that all our leaders go through a program at training that homogenizes the role and ensures that everyone will have the ability to strengthen the culture and values of business through their leadership.

Franz Heukamp, could you give a recommendation to entrepreneurs to make their companies fully humane and socially responsible?

This is an interest and a concern of several entrepreneurs with whom I currently have the opportunity to share. Executives want to create sustainable companies both for the internal environment of business and the society in which they develop. So, my recommendation beyond the specific characteristics of each business is to maintain the closeness and interest in knowing and understanding the community and its needs. The challenge is to make this interest a conscious process and make use of serious tools, because agendas often go in the opposite direction and therefore it is not obvious. We have to look for the right tools and keep in mind that it is a long-term process deadline.

How has Servitje managed to inspire his teams virtually?

During the months of confinement I have had many remote meetings with collaborators from all over the world. A few months ago when there were still quite a few travel restrictions we had the opportunity to use virtual reality goggles to visit plants in different parts of the world, for example a new one in Kazakhstan. This virtual world opens up many possibilities for us to connect with more people, which is why it is important to rethink the ways we work and adapt to the new reality.

It is also essential for leaders to be open to listen and give them the space to express themselves.

Heukamp, in your experience, have the paradigms of Internal Communications changed? What role do you see for communication in organizations today?

The paradigms of Internal Communications had already changed before the pandemic, but it was during this time that we have become aware of it. In addition, the means have been given to carry them out. In the case of a large business like Bimbo, Daniel has been able to be more present with his employees during the pandemic.

Another important milestone is that organizations have managed to see during this year and a half of pandemic that it is very easy to create bubbles or zones in the organization where people end up forming an opinion that is not necessarily shared by others. These must be punctured through good communication, giving the possibility to ask questions, and digital media are positive in this regard.

The conversation between the three professionals ended with an invitation for both leaders and employees to continue their education and an interest in learning. "You have to know how to keep up with the times and continue to prepare for them," concluded IESE's director .

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