Ruta de navegación


Aplicaciones anidadas


Courses, seminars and various activities organised by area of Humanities Pharmaceuticals. Some of them are organised at partnership with professional associations, pharmaceutical associations, universities or companies.


Plan de research University of Navarra.
degree scrollEquality and non-discrimination in pharmaceutical care for transgender people in Spain. Elaboration of a white book".
researcher Principal: José López Guzmán.
Duration: 2020-2023.
project International project involving researchers from 9 universities in Spain and Italy.

Aimed at pharmacy students of any Spanish School

seminar Standing of Humanities Pharmaceuticals - March 23, 2015.
The liberalization of Pharmacy 

With: Elena Jiménez Domínguez (Community Pharmacist) and Carlos Adanero Oslé (Community Pharmacist)

7 February 2015. The financing of medicines from an ethical perspective. The case of hepatitis treatment 

With: Enrique Soler Company. Director of the Pharmacy Service of the Hospital Arnau de Villanova in Valencia and coordinator of the group Ethos of Bioethics and Clinical Ethics of the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy.

10 September 2014. "Pharmacy, vocation or business? 

With: Eugenio Izu Belloso (Pharmaceutical Inspector of the Government of Navarre)

8 October 2014. "How to do palliative care as a pharmacist".


With: Carlos Centeno (Director palliative care of Clínica Universidad de Navarra).

roundtable "The deontology of the pharmaceutical profession".
presentation In addition, the book "Deontología farmacéutica aplicada. high school Official Pharmacist of Madrid". 9 October 2014