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International Day of Democracy: citizens, mobilisation and dignity

Where has the democratic system come from and where is it going?
What challenges does it face today?

Today, September 15, we celebrate the International Day of
Democracy Day
with a conversation between Javier Andreu
Senior Associate Professor of Ancient History, and Pablo Pérez, Full Professor
of Contemporary History of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra.
of the University of Navarra. In it, they exchange reflections
about the importance of the democratic system in the political, economic and ethical development
the political, economic and ethical development of Western civilization.


Democracy and polis 

In this first part of the International Day of Democracy special, we travel back in time to the Athens of Solon to discover the origins of democracy and its significance in contemporary economic systems development .


Civic participation and social mobilisation 

In the second part of the interview, professors Javier Andreu and Pablo Pérez delve into the problems facing contemporary democracies. By making a comparative analysis with various periods of antiquity, they try to find the keys to solving the new challenges. 


Democracy and ethics 

Does democracy contribute to the strengthening of human dignity? In this third part, Professors Javier Andreu and Pablo Pérez explore the ethical foundations of the democratic system and reflect on the possibility of its global reach. 


Let the discussion begin! 

If you are one of those who think that every opinion matters, then this is your space. BeBrave Come and take part and send us your send us your texts!



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