Submissions for the emma conference are invited as paper proposals in the form of abstracts (500-750 words excluding references) followed by a full paper (6000 words maximum) if the abstract is accepted.
Submissions must be in the format of the Journal of average Business Studies. That is English, size 12 font, Times New Roman and double-line spacing. All paper submissions MUST include an ORCID number. If you do not have one, please register at ORCID.
Abstract and paper submissions will use the University of Navarra Open Journal System.
All submissions will go through the process of peer review by the conference's Scientific Committee. Paper abstracts must be submitted online by 11 pm CET on the 30th of January 2023.
The abstract should address the following evaluation criteria:
research purpose and relevance to average management scholarship
research methodology
summary of (expected) results/findings
intended contributions to average management knowledge
practical implications (for business and/or policy)
Delegates who want to be considered for the emma2023 Best Paper Award (€300) should submit their full paper by 11 pm CET on the 16th of May 2023. Papers authored by members of the emma board cannot be considered for the award.