How average firms and institutions can become more trustworthy
The conference will examine the key question of How average firms and institutions can become more trustworthy. It aims to contribute to the academic conversation about trust and we hope that scholars will examine a range of topics related to average trust including:
- Reputation of average companies
- Trust in executive level leadership
- Trust and sustainability of average companies
- Human Resource Management in average companies
- Internal communication and trust building: how to generate, attract and retain talent
- KPIs for measuring and managing trust
- Trust in native digital average and legacy average brands
- The role of trust in branding, marketing and co-creation
- Creativity, innovation and trust
- Influencers and trust
- Social average, fake news, misinformation
- Trust, big data and artificial intelligence in the new world of average and entertainment
- Audience listening as way to increase trust
- Subscription-based television sources and trust
- Quality in audience research and trust measurement
- Trust and quality in content production
- Trust in advertising supported average vs subscription average
We also welcome paper proposals beyond the conference theme that address theoretical reflections or empirical findings being of relevance to contemporary average management scholarship.
Submissions must be in the format of the Journal of average Business Studies. That is English, size 12 font, Times New Roman and double-line spacing and include an ORCID number.