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News about Cima Lab

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04 | 10 | 2019

The benefits of metagenomics in the health field

TextoAndrea Molestina


24 | 09 | 2019

"The beginning of my professional degree program has been in a diagnostic laboratory where I have reinforced my spirit of service".

TextoAndrea Molestina

ImagenAndrea Molestina


19 | 09 | 2019

Dr. Ana Patiño stresses the importance of a comprehensive diagnosis to fight lung cancer

TextoAndrea Molestina

ImagenManuel Castells


16 | 09 | 2019

Dr Bruno Paiva presents advances in multiple myeloma in Boston

TextoAndrea Molestina



15 | 09 | 2019

World Lymphoma Day

TextoAndrea Molestina



More information

CIMA LAB Diagnostics

CIMA LAB Diagnostics Edificio CIMA-Universidad de Navarra Avda. Pío XII, 55

31008 Pamplona, Spain

(+34) 948 19 47 00



News on partnership with other entities

04 | 02 | 2022

It's Happening in Summer