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Aplicaciones anidadas


Genomics platform

Genomics is one of the areas of biology that has progressed exponentially in recent decades. Using knowledge as diverse as genetics, molecular biology, chemistry, computer science and statistics among others, it aims to study the genetic information contained in cells, the expression or repression of this information and the mechanisms that regulate it.

The Genomics Unit Platform of CIMA LAB Diagnostics provides support in gene expression and genotyping studies to the research teams of the University of Navarra, Clínica Universidad de Navarra, CIMA and external researchers. In addition, since 2011 it has been offering Next Generation Sequencing and traditional techniques such as: Purification, quantification and characterisation of nucleic acids, capillary sequencing and identification of human cell lines using STR.

The service is currently open to all those groups, research centres, hospitals and diagnostic or biotechnological centres that need support to develop their projects with a high level of specialisation.


Aplicaciones anidadas


Cytometry platform

The Cytometry Platform uses immunophenotypic techniques to determine the characteristics of particles or cells in suspension, which pass individually through light emitted by lasers. The analysis and differentiation of cells or particles is based on their light scattering properties (cell morphology and complexity) and fluorescence emission due to binding of specific monoclonal antibodies or fluorescent dyes.

Flow cytometers are equipped with two or more lasers as light source , different optical configurations that combine filters and mirrors and allow the separation of the light emitted by the fluorochromes, electronics that assist in the detection and amplification of the detected signals, and a computer that transforms these signals into data. The choice of fluorochromes to be used is determined by the characteristics of the lasers and the optical configurations available in each particular cytometer.

The applications of flow cytometry are numerous and its use is widespread in the fields of medicine (haematology, solid tumours, and immunology), cell biology, and cell separation for further genomic and functional studies.

Dr. Diego Alignani(




More information

CIMA LAB Diagnostics

CIMA LAB Diagnostics Edificio CIMA-Universidad de Navarra Avda. Pío XII, 55

31008 Pamplona, Spain

(+34) 948 19 47 00
