Quality policy
Since January 2014 CIMA LAB Diagnostics acts as a diagnostic laboratory for the areas of 1) Genetics and genomics and 2) the area flow cytometry of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CUN), with the goal to optimize and integrate, with the highest level of quality and innovation, genetic and immunophenotypic diagnosis.
With the purpose to improve the service we provide to our customers, CIMA LAB Diagnostics has decided to implement a Quality System management based on rule ISO 9001 and ISO 15189 in both areas, as well as ISO27001 for management Information Security.
The Management of CIMA LAB Diagnostics approaches the Quality System as a way to organize the operation of the center, based on some basic pillars such as the quality of its services, the satisfaction of our customers and stakeholders, the commitment to good professional practices, and the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the system. To this end, the management Quality System of CIMA LAB Diagnostics is based on:
The satisfaction of our customers and expectations of the interested parties, being this the fundamental goal of our organization. To this end, all members are committed to meeting the needs and requirements of the management System, as well as the legal and regulatory requirements , those of the laboratories and others requirements.
That all members of CIMA LAB Diagnostics feel committed to the quality of the service we provide.
That quality is obtained by planning, executing, reviewing and improving the management system, keeping in mind at all times the context of the organization, both internal and external.
Continuous improvement is a basic principle in all laboratory activities, both internally and with regard to its customers, through continuous training based on the participation in national and international assessment programs and a continuous review of management.
The continuous training of staff, the revision of the methods used, and the implementation of innovative technologies, for the improvement of the tests or for the development of new methods.
The provision of truthful, reliable and reproducible results using validated essay methods, carried out by staff with the necessary and proven skill , which can provide the appropriate interpretation and advisory services.
The ethical and impartial behavior of its staff to avoid situations of conflict of interest, pressures from subject commercial or financial, which may affect the quality of work.
An adequate environment in terms of infrastructure, resources and technology so that our staff can develop its work in the best conditions, so that the samples are maintained and handled in optimal conditions, and to ensure the quality required in the procedures of laboratory.
The proper treatment and storage of the data personal and goods owned by customers, ensuring their confidentiality, protection against loss, unauthorized use, improper manipulation or any other misuse, from agreement to . Information Security Policy defined.
area from Genetics and genomics
qa.cimalab@unav.esAv. de Pío XII, 55
31008 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 194 700 Ext. 803973
Adriana Aldave
Director of Quality
area of Flow Cytometry
Av. de Pío XII, 55
31008 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 194 700 Ext. 811036