25 hours, 8 weeks
February-March 2025
720 euros
*12% discount for Alumni, Members of Foro América, employees of public administration and members of the Official Associations of Architects of Spain.
*discount FUNDAE
The course aims to offer a global vision of the Spanish Urban diary , through the learning of its methodologies and tools, to achieve an optimal intervention in the city and to face the challenges of the future.
The University of Navarra is a pioneer in the implementation of the methodology of the diary Spanish Urban teaching. It has lines of research on the viability and impact of strategic and integrated city planning.
Knowing in depth the Spanish Urbandiary will allow you to:
Identify the current urban challenges facing cities and the opportunities to provide innovative solutions to these challenges. This knowledge is becoming increasingly relevant in the workplace.
To understand, with a comprehensive vision and multidisciplinary, how urban policies are intertwined in the construction of more sustainable and livable cities.
Learn about the methodology for the elaboration of local action plans, tool which favors the management of resources and encourages the obtaining of subsidies. Therefore, it has a great applicability internship.
Listen and learn from a great team of professional experts and speakers of recognized prestige in the sector of management and strategic planning in the field of urban and rural development .
Establish contacts among the attendees (networking) that could be valuable in the development of your degree program or in the partnership of future projects.
And acquire a certificate that could be an additional factor to stand out in your professional profile and improve your job opportunities and partnership in relevant projects.
The course aims to provide a global vision of the Spanish Urban diary , so the program is structured around 10 fundamental units and 16 case studies, which will be taught over 8 weeks.
Attendees will have a networking forum where they will be able to exchange experiences and visions of the sector.
International vision
Ana Beatriz Jordao
- EUA on framework of international agendas
Eduardo de Santiago
- The AUE in the framework of the diary Urban for the European Union
Gonzalo Lacurcia
- National Urban Policies in other countries
Ana Beatriz Jordao
- Catalog of best practices in Latin America
National vision
Sonia Hernandez
- EUA as a methodology for strategic and integrated planning
José Ramón Bergasa
- AUE Methodology
Ignacio Molina
- Strategic planning and challenges
José Antonio Carrillo
- The Agendas of development Urban and Rural in Castilla-La Mancha
Local vision
José Mateos
- Strategic planning in County Councils
Enrique Collada
- Strategic planning in Mancomunidades
Carmen Mota
- Talavera de la Reina's Action Plan as an example of strategic planning in municipalities with 50,000 to 100,000 inhabitants
José Ramón Bergasa
- Alfaro Local Action Plan as an example of strategic planning in municipalities with 5,000 to 20,000 inhabitants.
Elaboration: Governance and Participation /Strategic Objectives 1 and 2
Angela of the Cross
- EUA Action Plan and governance
Jorge Arevalo
- EUA and participation
Jesus Maria Ramirez
- SO1. development Sustainable
Luis Carlos Delgado
- SO2. Regeneration
Strategic objectives 7 and 8
Antoni Nicolau
- SO7. Tourism
Felipe Iglesias
- SO8. Housing
Strategic objectives 9 and 10
María Luisa Rubio
- SO9. Technologies and Innovation
José Ramón Bergasa and Elena Lacilla
- SO10. Best Practices at the University
Implementation: Financing and Indicators
Carmen Vilanova
- Financing on strategic planning actions
Elena Lacilla
- AUE Indicators
We have a team of academics and professionals from public administration, universities and private institutions. They are experts in management urban, development sustainable, urban regeneration, biodiversity, Economics circular, mobility, social cohesion, tourism, housing, technologies and governance.
- Asier Santas, professor and PhD in Urban Planning from the University of Navarra.
- Elena Lacilla, Professor of Urban Planning at the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra.
- José Ramón Bergasa, head of the Urban Planning and Services Unit of the Alfaro City Council.
Jorge Arevalo
partner founder of Transversal Landscape. coordinator of the office for the development of the INECO-SEPES Camp action.
José Ramón Bergasa
Head of the Town Planning and Services Unit of the Alfaro Town Council.
José Antonio Carrillo
Vice-Minister of Strategic Planning of Castilla-La Mancha
Enrique Collada
coordinator of the diary Urbana de la Mancomunidad del Alto Tajo
Angela of the Cross
Urban Lawyer and former Deputy Director of Urban Policies of MIVAU.
Eduardo de Santiago
Technical Advisor of the Urban Policies Sub-Directorate of MIVAU
Luis Carlos Delgado
Director-General Manager of Sestaoberri
Purificacion Gonzalez
Director of Master's Degree in design and management Environmental Buildings UNAV
Francisco Gutiérrez Marchena
Cap de Gabinet d'Alcaldia Ajuntament de Sant Boi de Llobregat
Sonia Hernandez
Deputy Director for Urban Policies of MIVAU
Felipe Iglesias González
Professor of Administrative Law of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Ana Beatriz Jordao
manager by UN-Habitat Spain Office
Elena Lacilla
Professor of Urban Planning at School of Architecture of the University of Navarra.
Gonzalo Lacurcia
consultant of the UN-HABITAT Spain Office
José Mateos
Director General employment and development Sustainable of the Diputación de Granada
Ignacio Molina
advisor of the Third Vice President, Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic challenge - MITERD
Carmen Mota
Professor of Urban Planning at School of Architecture of the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Toledo.
Adrian Muelas
advisor Office administrative office General of Transport and mobility MIVAU
Pedro Muradas
consultant principal in Urban Resilience - Ricardo Consulting
Antoni Nicolau
Director from development de Kultura, Ideas y Estrategias para el patrimonio
Jesus Maria Ramirez
team member drafter of the Territorial Strategy of Navarra
María Luisa Rubio
board member advisor to the special high commissioner MIVAU, consultant to INECO
Joaquín Torres
Associate Professor UNAV
Carmen Vilanova
Director of the Office of Planning and Economic Projection of the Castelló City Council.
profile assessment and certification
Oriented to multidisciplinary students, with or without previous experience; private sector professionals and workers at all levels of the public administration who are working or are considering working in the field of urban and territorial policies from a cross-cutting and integrated perspective.
degree program No previous university degree is required for the registration course.
The course includes weekly evaluations, according to the thematic unit and the case presented. It is necessary to pass 80% of the evaluations to obtain the certification.
manager Professional Programs Admissions
948 42 56 00 (Ext: 802729)