1. Economics local circular (ECIL): public policies, legal tools and good practices in the management circular of municipal waste. Ministerio Transición Ecológica y challenge Demográfico. researcher principal: Juan José Pernas García (Universidad de A Coruña). Ministerio TED2021-129734B-I00. Start date: 1-12-2022. End date: 1-12-2024. Member researcher: Ángel Ruiz de Apodaca Espinosa.
2. The water and energy binomial, legal regime of hydroelectric concessions and its necessary revision in a context of energy crisis and climate change. researcher principal: Estanislao Arana García (University of Granada). Ministerio PID2021-128816OB-I00. Start date: 1-9-2022. End date: 1-9-2026. Member researcher: Ángel Ruiz de Apodaca Espinosa.
3. The role of judges in climate litigation. researcher principal: Alexandre Peñalver i Cabré (University of Barcelona). Start date: 1-6-2022. End date: 1-6-2023. Member researcher: Ángel Ruiz de Apodaca Espinosa.
4. Studying the Constitution and Democracy. Principal Investigators: Carlos Vidal Prado and Javier Díaz Revorio. RTI2018-096103-B-I00. Funding Entity: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Call 2018 for projects of research and development+i. Duration 3 years. Funding 18,150 euros. Member researcher: Asunción de la Iglesia Chamarro.
5. Taxation of the digital Economics : rethinking certain parameters of international taxation. researcher principal: Lucas Durán, Manuel. Ministry of Science and Innovation. Start date: January 1, 2022. End date: December 31, 2025. budget 25,410 euros. Member researcher: María Eugenia Simón Yarza.
6. The externalization of the social State. Analysis and systematization of the new public law instruments to extend the protection of vulnerable people. researcher principal: Jorge García-Andrade Gómez. Funding Entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation. Start date: September 1, 2021. End date: September 1, 2024. Member researcher: Joseba Fernández Gaztea.
7. The recovery of the constituent consensus as budget and guarantee of eventual reforms: prospects of success and pending challenges. Principal Investigators: Fernando Simón Yarza (PI1) and Ángel J. Gómez Montoro (PI2). Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness (MINECO). Start date: September 1, 2022. End date: September 1, 2025. budget Funding: 24,200 euros.
8. Territorial models in the training of States: evolution of the status of Navarre in the Hispanic monarchy. researcher principal: Mercedes Galán Lorda. Funding Entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation. Start date: 01/09/2021. End date: 08/31/2025. budget Funding: 31,460 euros.
Action protocols with transsexual persons in Community Pharmacies. researcher principal: José López Guzmán. Funding entity: Fundación Universidad de Navarra (project Piuna). Start date: September 2020. End date: September 2023. budget Funding: 10,000 euros. Member researcher: Ángela Aparisi Miralles.
1. network training and strengthening the impact of women in innovation ecosystems. researcher principal: Mª Cruz Díaz de Terán Velasco. Funding entity: Ibero-American Program of Science and Technology for the development (CYTED Program). Start date: January 2020. End date: December 2023. budget Funding: 80,000 euros.