1. The binomial water and energy, legal regime of hydroelectric concessions and its necessary revision in a context of energy crisis and climate change. State Program to Promote Scientific-Technical research and its Transfer, of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation research 2021-2023, co-financed by the European Union. reference letter of the project: PID2021-128816OB-I00. Duration: From 01/09/2022 to 01/09/2026 (4 years). Associated researcher : Ángel Ruiz de Apodaca.
2. The externalization of the social State. Analysis and systematization of the new public law instruments to extend the protection of vulnerable people. principal researcher : Jorge García-Andrade Gómez. Funding entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation. Start date: September 1, 2021. End date: September 1, 2024. Member researcher: Joseba Fernández Gaztea. Member researcher: Joseba K. Fernández Gaztea
3. The externalization of the social state. Analysis and systematization of the new public law instruments to extend the social protection of vulnerable people: AEI/10.13039/501100011033., Principal researcher : Jorge García Andrade, Ministerio de Ciencia en Innovación 1 January 2021/31 December 2023. Member researcher: Maria Amparo Salvador Armendáriz.
Ibero-Americannetwork for training and strengthening the impact of women in innovation ecosystems. Funding entity: Iberoamerican Program of Science and Technology for development (CYTED Program). Members: 32. Start date: 1/1/2020. End date: 1/12/2024. Principal researcher : Mª Cruz Díaz de Terán Velasco.
5. Taxation of digital Economics : rethinking certain parameters of international taxation. principal researcher : Manuel Lucas Durán/ Ministry of Education and Science /Start 01-01-2022. End 31-12-2025. Member researcher: María Eugenia Simón Yarza.
6. Territorial models in the training of States: Evolution of the status of Navarre in the Hispanic Monarchy. reference letter: PID2020-118575RB-I00. Funding Entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation. Start date: 01/09/2021. End date: 31/08/2025. budget: 31,460 euros. principal researcher : Mercedes Galán Lorda.
7. La recuperación del consenso constituyente como budget y garantía de eventuales reformas: perspectivas de éxito y desafíos pendientes. project reference letter : PID2021-123730OB-I00Subarea: DERI Funding: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación reference letter: PID2021-123730OB-I00. Duration: 3 years (1 Sept. 2022-1 Sept. 2025). budget: 24,200 euros. subject of participation: Principal researcher 1. principal researcher : Prof. Dr. D. Fernando Simón Yarza (IP1) and Prof. Dr. D. Ángel J. Gómez Montoro (IP2).
PIUNA Internationalproject "Equality and non-discrimination in pharmaceutical care for transgender people in Spain: elaboration of a White Book". Principal researcher : José López Guzmán, Fundación Universidad de Navarra, start September 2020- end September 2023. Member researcher: Angela Aparisi Miralles.