degree scroll teaching y aprendizaje de la essay journalística en la universidad española.
Author: Sanchís Cano, David
Directors: Beatriz Gómez Baceiredo, Antonio Martínez Illán
Read date: 18/12/2019
department: average Projects
degree scrollThe sound images of the euro crisis. Case study: The economic team of La Linterna, Cadena COPE (May 2010-July 2012).
Author: Colmenarejo Pérez, Juan Pablo
Director: Mª Pilar Martínez-Costa.
Read date: 22/11/2019
department: average Projects
degree scrollThe victims of ETA in film and literature. Reality and representation of the victims of terrorism (1968-2018).
Author: Labiano Juangarcía, Roncesvalles
Directors: María del Mar Larraza Micheltorena, Javier Marrodán Ciordia
Read date: 14/06/2019
department: average Projects
degree scrollThe value of testimony. Contributions of ETA victims to the story and to raising awareness in society.
Author: Jiménez Ramos, María
Directors: Pablo Pérez López, Javier Marrodán Ciordia
Date read: 16/11/2018
department: average Projects
degree scrollLongitudinal study of journalistic convergence in the specialised radio framework : the case of Radio Marca (2014-2018).
Author: Muerza Ferrer, Alfonso
Directors: José Javier Sánchez Aranda and Avelino Amoedo Casais
Date read: 4/9/2018
department: average Projects
degree scrollTime in digital journalism
Author: Desideri Freitas, Leonardo Luis
DirectorRamón Salaverría Aliaga
Date of reading: 16/12/2016
department: average Projects
degree scroll: Iranians on Facebook: Digital Behaviour Analysis
Author: Ebrahimi, Marziyeh
DirectorRamón Salaverría Aliaga
Date of reading: 19/12/2016
department: average Projects
degree scrollEvolution of journalism in Spain : descriptive and thematic study of books (1889-2012) and articles in Spanish communication journals (1980-2012).
Author: de Lorenzo Rodríguez, Ignacio
DirectorFernando López Pan
Date of reading: 4/2/2016
department: average Projects
degree scrollJosé Javier Uranga Santesteban : profile biographical sketch (1925 -) and analysis of his articles (1953-2015)
Author: Iriarte Franco, Miguel Ángel
DirectorFernando López Pan
Date of reading: 29/1/2016
department: average Projects
degree scrollLa management de las campañas sociales como estrategia de responsabilidad social en la radio comercial peruana. Analysis of the campaign "The first three years decide life Alicorp and RPP Noticias together for child nutrition (2006-2008).
Author: Ramírez Lozano, Julianna Paola
Directors: María del Pilar Martínez Costa Pérez and Elsa Moreno Moreno
Date of reading: 16/10/2015
department: average Projects
degree scrollMiguel Gil Moreno , the committed gaze of a war correspondent. Biography and analysis of his images (1993-2000)
Author: Gutiérrez Cortés, María Sonsoles
DirectorJavier Marrodán Ciordia
Date read: 22/6/2015
department: average Projects
degree scrollBiography, portraiture and journalism in Spain in the 1930s : the case of Juan Belmonte, matador de toros, by Manuel Chaves Nogales.
Author: Pérez Álvarez, Manuel Álvaro
DirectorAntonio Martínez Illán and Beatriz Gómez Baceiredo
Date of reading: 19/12/2014
department: average Projects
degree scrollMultiplatform journalism on mobile devices : Comparative analysis of four newspapers from reference letter in Brazil and Spain.
Author: Sigaud Sellos, Pedro
DirectorRamón Salaverría Aliaga
Date read: 17/6/2014
department: average Projects
degree scroll: Images of climate change in television news. Analysis of six Spanish television stations with national coverage.
Author: Erviti Ilundáin, Mari Carmen
DirectorBienvenido León Anguiano
Date of reading: 30/05/2013
department: average Projects
degree scroll: The original video production in cybermedia. Analysis of Elpaí,, and Lainformació
Author: Negredo Bruna, Samuel
DirectorRamón Salaverría Aliaga
Date of reading: 01/02/2013
department: average Projects
degree scrollThe orderly participation of the public in the media. The case of
Author: Iturbe Mach, Mikel
DirectorRamón Salaverría Aliaga
Date read: 11/12/2012
department: average Projects
degree scroll: History and current status of journalistic documentation in the Mexican press.
Author: Bernal Coronel, Manuel
DirectorGabriel Galdón López
Co-director: Fernando López Pan
Date read: 14/11/2008
department: average Projects
Author: Salcedo de Prado, Miriam Eustaquia
DirectorBienvenido León Anguiano
Date of reading: 03/11/2008
department: average Projects
degree scrollAn approach to the relationship between journalism and literature in Spain : from Joaquín Pacheco's speech in the Royal Academy (1845) to Martín Vivaldi's journalistic genres (1973).
Author: Rodríguez Rodríguez, Jorge Miguel
DirectorFernando López Pan
Date of reading: 4/5/2007
department: Public Communication
degree scroll: The first decade of Peruvian journalism on the Internet (1995-2005). Analysis of the digital editions of general newspapers.
Author: Yezers'ka, Lyudmyla
DirectorRamón Salaverría Aliaga
Date of reading: 13/04/2007
department: average Projects
degree scroll: The model publishing house of Cambio 16 (1971-1978)
Author: DÍAZ DORRONSORO, José María
DirectorMiguel Ángel Jimeno López
Date read: 11/01/2007
department: average Projects
degree scroll: Biographical texts in five Spanish illustrated magazines. An approach to the origins of a genre.
Author: Gómez Baceiredo, Beatriz
DirectorFernando López Pan
Date of reading: 03/02/2006
department: average Projects
degree scroll: The process of setting up COPE. From the parish radio stations to the transitional plan of Ondas Medias in 1964.
Author: Salazar Cubero, Santiago
DirectorEfrén Cuevas Álvarez
Date of reading: 27/06/2005
department: average Projects
degree scroll: La crónica periodística de la cultura popular urbana limeña (1985-1995).
Author: Salas, Nancy W.
DirectorMiguel Ángel Jimeno López
Date of reading: 06/04/2005
department: average Projects
degree scroll: TVE's series "La transición" as a historical documentary knowledge dissemination
Author: Hernández Corchete, Sira
DirectorFernando López Pan
Date of reading: 26/02/2004
department: average Projects
degree scroll: Civic journalism practices in Latin America. The Argentinean case of the newspaper "El Liberal" (1898-1999).
Author: Gómez Pérez, Mariela Ruth
DirectorJosé Francisco Sánchez Sánchez Sánchez
Date of reading: 25/02/2004
department: average Projects
degree scroll: The advertising radio: the formats of advertisement and the radio market in Brazil (2002)
Author: Reis, Clovis
Director: Maria del Pilar Martínez-Costa
Date of reading: 06/02/2004
department: average Projects
degree scroll: The presence of Basque cinema in the Spanish film bibliography (1968-2002)
Author: Torrado Morales, Susana
Director: Fátima Pastor Ruiz
Date of reading: 29/10/2003
department: average Projects
degree scrollThe Catholic Church in the international press. model of analysis and application
Author: Contreras Luzón, Diego Manuel
Director: Norberto Pedro González Gaitano
Date of reading: 27/5/2003
department: average Projects
degree scroll: The representation of reality in the work of Joris Ivens in China: how Yukong moved the mountains.
Author: Lin Chen, Yu
DirectorBienvenido León Anguiano
Date of reading: 16/05/2003
department: average Projects
Author: Herrera Damas, Susana
Director: Maria del Pilar Martínez-Costa
Date of reading: 20/12/2002
department: average Projects
degree scroll: Notion and origins of film criticism in the Spanish press (1896-1930).
Author: Bassas del Rey, Carlos
DirectorFernando López Pan
Date of reading: 21/12/2001
department: average Projects
degree scroll: Characteristics of the news on the Internet and analysis of its current status . The cases of the USA and Spain
Author: Batista Maymus, Noemí
Director: María José Pérez-Luque
Date of reading: 23/04/2001
department: average Projects
degree scrollÁngel María Pascual , journalist
Author: Artazcoz López, María Ángeles
DirectorJosé Javier Sánchez Aranda
Date of reading: 04/04/2001
department: average Projects
degree scroll: The Cuadernos de Marcha in the Uruguayan culture of the 60's.
Author: Peirano Basso, Luisa
DirectorPedro Luis Barcia and José Francisco Sánchez Sánchez
Date of reading: 24/02/2001
department: average Projects
degree scroll: The transformation of The Economic Observer into a general-interest newspaper
Author: Hudson Frías, Eileen
DirectorJosé Francisco Sánchez Sánchez Sánchez
Date of reading: 21/10/2000
department: average Projects
degree scroll: ETA in Navarre: strategy, infrastructure and attacks (1985-1998)
Author: Marrodán Ciordia, Javier
Director: Juan M. Sánchez Prieto
Date of reading: 27/05/2000
department: average Projects
degree scroll: The purchase of La Rioja by group Correo. The transformation of Nueva Rioja, S.A. into a multi-media business
Author: Santaolalla Montoya, Pilar
DirectorJosé Francisco Sánchez Sánchez Sánchez
Date of reading: 06/11/1999
department: average Projects
degree scroll: Theoretical foundations of "Public Journalism".
Author: Álvarez Crespo, Carlos
DirectorGabriel Galdón López
Date of reading: 02/07/1999
department: average Projects
degree scroll: The profile as a journalistic genre
Author: De Rosendo Klecker, Belén
DirectorJosé Francisco Sánchez Sánchez Sánchez
Date of reading: 25/06/1999
department: average Projects
degree scroll: The photographic message in the daily press: factors and criteria that influence its production.
Author: Sanz Garrido, Begoña
DirectorMiguel Urabayen Cascante
Date of reading: 16/12/1998
department: average Projects
degree scrollMusic on the radio : transforming a content into a programming concept.
Author: Moreno Moreno, Elsa
DirectorÁngel Faus Belau
Date of reading: 27/11/1998
department: average Projects
degree scrollThe structure of radio in the Basque Country (1986-1996).
Author: Amoedo Casais, Avelino Sabas
DirectorÁngel Faus Belau
Date of reading: 29/6/1998
department: average Projects
degree scroll: The news in journalism textbooks: evolution of the concept and editorial standards.
Author: Salaverría Aliaga, Ramón
DirectorJosé Francisco Sánchez Sánchez Sánchez
Date of reading: 25/02/1998
department: average Projects
degree scroll: The figure of the concession in the autonomous regional television channels.
Author: Maneiro Vila, Arturo
DirectorCarlos Soria Saiz
Date of reading: 05/11/1997
department: average Projects
degree scrollProfessional self-regulation in television news : the standards manuals of CBS, NBC and ABC.
Author: García Avilés, José Alberto
Director: Juan José García-Noblejas Liniers
Date of reading: 23/6/1995
department: average Projects
degree scrollTransformations of sound broadcasting in Europe : the scene for the introduction of digital satellite radio
Author: Martínez-Costa Pérez, María del Pilar
DirectorÁngel Faus Belau
Date of reading: 12/12/1994
department: average Projects
degree scroll: El suelto periodístico. Analysis of a case: ABC's Zig Zag (1983-1992)
Author: Jimeno López, Miguel Ángel
DirectorJosé Francisco Sánchez Sánchez Sánchez
Date of reading: 27/06/1994
department: average Projects
degree scroll: Value and use of reference letter books for the improvement of local information: the case of the Valencian Community.
Author: Cebrián Enrique, Bernardino José
DirectorGabriel Galdón López
Date of reading: 07/06/1994
department: average Projects
degree scroll: The ethos as a configuring element of the journalistic column. Analysis of a case: "Hilo Directo", by Pilar Urbano.
Author: López Pan, Fernando
DirectorJosé Francisco Sánchez Sánchez Sánchez
Date of reading: 09/12/1993
department: average Projects
degree scrollTwo moments of Mexico in four Spanish newspapers : analysis of the speech information".
Author: Vizcaíno Arredondo, Carlos Javier
DirectorJosé Francisco Sánchez Sánchez Sánchez
Date of reading: 23/07/1992
department: average Projects