New environmental and architectural parameters in the designof homes for the elderly to prevent the biopsychosocial impact of respiratory diseases (INFLUENZA, SARS and Covid-19).
New environmental and architectural parameters in the design of elderly residences, for the prevention of the biopsychosocial impact of respiratory diseases (INFLUENZA, SARS and Covid-19).
Start - end dates: 20/11/2020 - 20/12/2021
researcherPrincipal: Ana Sánchez-Ostiz Gutiérrez (UNAV) / Pilar Suárez (QPEA).
Other researchers: Aurora Monge-Barrio, Dolores López-Hernández, Purificación González, Anabel Vitas, Maira Bes, Juan Echeverría, María Fernández Vigil.
Assistants research: Menchu Larráyoz.
Participating entities:
- University of Navarra (department CIE)
- University of Navarra (departmentof History-Hª of Art and Geography, Dept. Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Dept. Microbiology and Parasitology).
- QPEA FORUM: Forum of researchand teachingfor the improvement of the quality of life of the elderly.
- ASBAR. ASESORIA DE BARRERAS ARQUITECTONICAS. businessmanagement, promoter and consultant in the field of attendanceand managementof socio-sanitary centres.
The general goalof the researchis "to analyse to what extent the architectural and environmental factors of gerontological centres have influenced the issueof deaths in residences in Navarre, and their physical and psychological impact during the COVID-19 pandemic, and thus to make proposals for parameters of designof gerontological centres (new and existing) in different scenarios, to prevent and reduce the risks of contagion of respiratory diseases".
The specific objectives are:
1. To analyse the architectural and environmental factors of gerontological centres in Navarra that may influence the increase or decrease of the risk of contagion. To check how older or more modern types of residences can respond better to the reduction of the physical and social impacts produced.
2. Correlating the typology of centres with the issueof COVID infections and deaths.
3. To make proposals for architectural and environmental parameters core topic, which allow for adequate interior conditions to reduce the physical, psychological and social impact on residents in the event of epidemics and pandemics of respiratory diseases (INFLUENZA, SARS and COVID-19), which could be applied in existing residences and in new ones design.
To this end, a blended methodology is being carried out, with the collection of dataquantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative dataare collected by means of stratified surveys of the 71 homes in Navarre. In addition, 4 prototypes of centres are being analysed by monitoring environmental conditions "in situ" and a qualitative study has been carried out by means of 10 focus groups. With all this, a risk diagnosis and architectural and management proposals will be established.
Funding organisation: La Caixa - Caja Navarra. Navarra Solidaria Projects.
Amount financed: €100,000.